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Read more Dead by Daylight ➜
Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at
Devour Hope and Noed only shows the Exposed status when someone goes down, same should work with his perk
Why didn’t we get joker instead!
They should keep it like NOED. So it creates suspense, plus it has 90 seconds cool down. Come on.
Base plague is essentially the same thing as this killer with his iri add on and she goes 115%. How could they fk this up?
worst killer ever !
Trickster the name shouldn’t have been a throwing knife character , he should of had an ability that messes with survivors like tricks them
his biggest problem is too slow and his damage can revert, remove the revert then he wouldnt be terrible
Lol u thought this was content so hard 2 watch true anymore he switches up so much.
Was he maybe inspired by cyberpunk? Weird killer addition I think. Especially drawing comparisons with huntress and slinger. With that blatant Insidious film style chase music I wish they'd gone for a more demonic killer instead of this visually un-threatening killer. Maybe I'm wrong, it's just my opinion, but I like those weird disgusting looking killers; bubba, trapper, hag, wraith, phat boi clown, spirit, nurse, most of the killers bar a couple. Look gross, look creepy, bring the horror film fear. Need more of those vibes. New boi looking like he's about to start a dance group using the ps2 eyetoy.
I honestly dont know why they call him The Trickster, what's the reason for it?
His perks are the reason why he's called that?
Honestly this killer does sort of need to be improved. I can see potential but definitely not visually. People say it’s refreshing to all the grimey killers and such but that’s basically what the game is supposed to be. I’d love for them to add an outfit for him with a joker mask. But the colours are definitely a downgrade for me. The most hated thing for me is his yellow jacket. Doesn’t fit him at all and his colour palette. Think of it like this: You’re playing DBD for the first time hoping it’s a good horror game, and you see this guy. Wouldn’t that put your hopes down a bit? I know he’s literally been out for less than 24 hours but I’d still like to see some changes visual wise and power wise.
Reminds me more of huntress and plague
Dear god, when he was throwing daggers, it looks like he was voguing.
Is this guy really 110% he feels like 105% he's soooooo slow. x.x
Lmfao alternate title idea: DBD Devs Show Off Uncanny Level of Consistency With ANOTHER Completely Shit Killer 😂
This killer is a joke
9:10 I lost my shit lmao
"runs after you with daggers"? nah… he walks
Horror game where the killer shows up and true just starts giggling, lol. This character sucks, i know what they were going for but jesus does he not fit in, fan service the character. Watch, theyre gonna start adding bikinis for spirit and nurse now or some shit.
The trickster got his name cause we thought he would be good but we were tricked cause hes garbage
I think the devs actually achieved what they wanted. Because they've been moving in the direction of the killers not being scary, and considering how much Tru3 was laughing at this killer, mission accomplished.
Not only does he seem a bit underpowered, but he's also kind of boring to watch. I noticed there's a perk which makes the knives ricochet, and I feel like they should've focused on that and made that part of the kit to begin with. Having a bunch of knives zipping around and ricocheting off everything would be more entertaining, especially if the range was decent and could ricochet of multiple surfaces at full speed.