The Ultimate Gen Grab Build | Dead by Daylight Killer Builds

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Trying out this build from a few videos ago, that is based around getting gen grabs, but this time on The Wraith. I’ve found that his works A LOT better since you get the big speed boost coming out of stealth, since it helps cut down the amount of time they have to react.

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47 thoughts on “The Ultimate Gen Grab Build | Dead by Daylight Killer Builds”

  1. im gonna give this a like, comment and let it autoplay on mute. Ill be back to actually watch it on my lunch break 😛 Love having Tofu for lunch…wait that sounds kinda bad lmao

  2. I get why he waits for mercilessly storm to activate before trying to go for a grab. But if tinker is active, you could try to get a grab anyways and save the merciless storm for when it does reach 90%

  3. That first group may not have had spine chill but the Wraith's breathing is loud enough that the Cheryl may have heard you when you were trying to sneak up on her the first time. Overall if I can get a build like this for my Wraith, assuming I play enough killer, then I'm definitely gonna have to try this build. Those gen grabs were great 😂

  4. I think maybe trying to get the grab before merciless storm would be just as good just to prevent them from ever getting the gen done and use merciless storm to have more time to get pop if needed

  5. totally survivor predispositioned mechanics:
    – survivors have infinite perks, killers – only once by something
    – every survivor perk ADDS something, every killer perks simply COMPENSATES for what survivors already have granted to them for free (e.g. Pop Goes the Weasel compensates for their ability to genrush, while DS adds huge value simply "because")
    – survivor bodies are made of titanium, but not for themselves, only for killer, killer body is made of cotton-thin ether
    – survivor perks – joke cooldowns, killer perks – HUGE cooldowns, intolerably long

  6. Ooooooooh hol' up Merciless Storm does mesh well with Wraith lol.
    But running iri clapper and Ghost soot is redundant. You're just running 2 ghost-soots basically

  7. Maybe you could try this with the Wraith's purple add-on that shows you people's auras when you're cloaked & close to them. That way you would know exactly what side of the gen they are on!

  8. I was in a situation where me and someone were on a gen and the killer was coming around the corner as merciless started. Neither of us got off neither of us got grabbed. God that felt good

  9. Hey, I’ve got some secret. Don’t tell Tofu this!
    If you guys notice that killer is using the build just blow the gen when merciless storm activates and the killer will be a sad PEPE lol.

  10. 23:00 I think the build is fine, you just need to not always leave chase for gen grabs. Tinkerer Discordance and Pop are fine perks. You could play a normal Wraith game and take off Merciless Storm and you’d be fine.

    Just need to balance gimmicky grab cheeses with good old fashioned run them down with a stick


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