The ULTIMATE LOOPING Build For SURVIVOR – Dead by Daylight

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The ULTIMATE LOOPING Build For SURVIVOR – Dead by Daylight

In today’s video we are going to be using the ultimate looping build which is the best build for survivor for taking chase and looping killers. This build consists of Balanced Landing as the exhaustion perk. Adrenaline which did recently receive a nerf, but is still one of the best looping perks in DBD. Windows Of Opportunity which allows us to see the auras of nearby pallets and windows. Quick Gambit which increases the generator speed by 8% of all nearby generators currently being worked on within a 36 meter range whilst we are being chased by the killer. Hope you all enjoy the video!

Thumbnail Created by: @MadeByMew
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Dead by Daylight is an asymmetrical horror game featuring 4 survivors and 1 killer. Some of the best perks in the game include sprint burst, dead hard, balanced landing, exhaustion perks, decisive strike, unbreakable, object of obsession, adrenaline, iron will, pop goes the weasel, Hex:ruin, corrupt intervention. Some of the best builds in the game include the no mither build, the tryhard survivor build, the meta survivor build, the invincible survivor build, the vault speed build, the most toxic survivor build, the legacy survivor build, the object of obsession build, the aura build, the most efficient survivor build, the best survivor build, the best killer build, the genrushing build


17 thoughts on “The ULTIMATE LOOPING Build For SURVIVOR – Dead by Daylight”

  1. Love your content i use Quick gambit in solo too its amazing because if you're in chase other survivals get the Icon so they feel less scared and do objective i`v notice a lot of survivals like to hide so this perk be like "Heey someone else in chase !"

  2. That bear trapper was so niiiice bless him lmao; also no hate on Sable players but most from my own experience and others I´ve seen Sables are awful teammates I have to say

  3. Naughty Bear? More like Cutie Bear. Still nodding after only one hook, you know he's there to have fun.
    I play Naughty Tapper, so I'll have to be sure to nod at anyone if I catch them nodding at me next time I play him.

  4. Naughty bear is so cute i just wanna hug him when i see him (the head nod was 😊👍)strange that i also had a game on hawkins today in which it was the first time i ever used balanced on that set of stairs(though it was against a pig)gg naymeti, always a good time bro(tech guy 😂)that sable was ridiculous btw 🤦 why don't people think of the whole instead of the self smh.


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