The ultimate survivor faces a gauntlet of otherworldly peril. Lara Croft is coming.

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Dead by Daylight: Tomb Raider. July 16. @tombraider
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36 thoughts on “The ultimate survivor faces a gauntlet of otherworldly peril. Lara Croft is coming.”

  1. Какой же бред )))))))), а почему не принц персии или например терминатор? Разработчики явно что то курят ))

  2. i wish they would let us have more stunt attacks just how crazy some of the killers can be specially killers with aoe attacks or one shot downs . i dont care if i die if i at least can whoop the killers for a bit like on Friday the 13th

  3. Im pretty sure the reason for it looking the way it does and not a full on trailer or anything is eurogamer might have leaked it abit early i read an article about it about a day before they officaly sajd anything


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