The Unwritten Rules of Dead by Daylight

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Hey everyone, today we’re discussing the unwritten rules of Dead by Daylight. The rules that exist collectively across the player base but are not present in writing or by direct statement in game. Player made rules that people will respect.

At the time of this video’s release Chapter 32 has been released – Dungeons & Dragons! The new killer is Vecna, the Survivor is a group of Bards with an elf and a human member. We also got a castle map!

Thumbnail by @JDSpirit_!

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Music used from YouTube Audio Library:
Mysterious Strange Things – Yung Logos
The Emperor’s Army – Jeremy Blake
Clean and Dance – An Jone
Night Run Away – An Jone

Intro 0:00
If it glows, it goes 0:19
If someone nods, nod back 1:01
Respect someone doing a Glyph 1:29
Stare for effect 1:54
Let Survivors go if they play well 2:20
Get into the selfie 2:48
If you’re toxic, I get to be too 3:06
Boop the snoot 4:12
Give hatch if you find it whilst carrying 4:48
Stop wiggling if the Killer swings 5:14
Drop item = let them go 5:39
Go for the Sandbagger not the Sandbagged 6:18
Respect the 4% 6:46
Match your outfits 7:11
Give yourself up if you destroy the Killer 7:45
Uncommon rules 8:23
Map Offering = tunnel 8:32
Endurance Hit = tunnel 9:15
If there’s a dead end, break the wall 9:46
Write ‘gg’ no matter what 10:09
Never tunnel a TTV 10:40
If you’re un-hookable, I won’t try to hook 11:08
Don run perks you don’t find fun to face 11:37
Always go back to save in Endgame 12:13
If a Survivor plays a song, let them finish 12:49
No rules! 13:12
Outro 13:36


21 thoughts on “The Unwritten Rules of Dead by Daylight”

  1. No if someone brings a map offaring you dont tunnle you just play harder if someone takes the hit with endurance there just beeing a good team mate dose not mean you should tunnel like god damn iv had people take the hit i dont go back after them its just part of the game there just helping the person who got them off the hook

  2. As a killer main I HATE the Matching Outfits rule, and we need to do away with it. As someone who tries his best not to tunnel, it makes it WAY harder to avoid tunneling when I cannot instantly distinguish my targets by appearance.

  3. One time in the middle of a chase, one of the survivors started a glyph, but since I was swinging from around a corner, I didn’t see it, and hit them in the middle of it. I looked down in shame as they stared at me with hatred, and I avoided hitting them for the rest of the game

  4. Did you know that with certain killer glyphs if the survivors blind you while you are getting your glyph is can disrupt you and some of them don't reappear until the next trial? With the hatch thing I may or may not give hatch depending on how the survivors played if they t-bag and flashy click the whole match and I catch them in endgame they go on a hook and I don't care if the hatch is right under the hook I put them on.

  5. 7:46 I only ever do this for nurse players. Im sorry, but most nurses are really bad, and thats not their fault. She's a hard killer to play, and it feels bad winning against a player who is trying so hard to learn to play her. I think most nurse players probably saw how powerful she can be thanks to youtubers only ever showing their wins as her. Nobody ever shows the reality of what it's like trying to be good at nurse. So if i win against a nurse, i will let myself die during the endgame colapse.

  6. Ah, the boop the snoot meme. I remember playing the pig after not playing for ages and completely forgetting this rule. When people tried it, I thought they were giving up. I hate people just giving up, asking to be killed cos it kinda ruins it for everyone else, so I'd put them down, and just leave them. Not camping them or anything, just slugging them so they wouldn't pester me all game, but also not allowing them to quit.

    I treated too many boopers like this and I feel so bad for them.

  7. Wait, the swing=no wiggle is a thing? I've always swung over and over again to try and let them get off my shoulder so I can let them go through the gate. I didn't realize it meant the complete opposite

  8. I honestly ignore TTV player's. If anything I like see them because from time to time I get to see how other's think of me. I've gotten lot's of people call me a cheater because of nowhere to hide. Owell they have less to complain about not

  9. "I there is a dead end, break the wall" i do the exact opposite personally. I try to get survivors zoned to there, because i know there is nowhere they can go. House of pain on midwitch is the perfect example of this

  10. "If you notice someone going for an adept, just give it to them if you can."

    This goes for the Evil Incarnate achievement as well.
    I don't just give up in games like these but if I am for example the last survivor, I'd ignore the hatch and allow them to kill me. Similarly if I feel a Myers made a valiant effort and moried all three other survivors, I will not be a petty locker gremlin. I might be in the middle of the match but not at the end as the last one left.

  11. I understand this is a video just for fun, but given the kind of community DbD has (idiotic and aggressive), I'm concerned that people are going to take all of this to heart in due time.

  12. When someone drops me an item i see it, I'm like "i fw that" and move on, if they do some bullshit like picking up the item or a glashy save, or pallet save, they die, if they just hangout, they live

  13. "If someone DC's or gives up on hook immediately, give hatch. The rest of the team has been fucked over."

    Less so, ever since the bots take over but I still mostly adhere to this rule.


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