The upcoming Dead By Daylight balance changes will be a game changer

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off the record is standing outside of my house as I’m typing this
#dbd #dbdshorts


28 thoughts on “The upcoming Dead By Daylight balance changes will be a game changer”

  1. sorry for the lack of consistency, a really bad storm hit which shut off our power throughout the day and it was a nightmare trying to get longer videos out, hopefully this will video will make up for some of it!

  2. Here

    Noe u making a sneak attack that can be seem by anyone trash change
    survivors has totem perks to find

    Borrow ok thats it who idea was the moment u unhook everyone has borrow u want to change the meta still meta
    they could just change borrow to 10 sec , 3 sec haste not problem
    f u bhrb and ur puppets

    Ds 3 sec stun is very nice should keep it like after all they could have it does not work using enduring since 5 sec stun its a lot

    10 secs sure sure is welcome but will it be enough who knows

    main problem speed / Enduring

    DH no more distance it is a skill perk know on timing and can be very op too if u time it and with 1.8 sec speed and attack cd down too 2.7 is nice

  3. These changes are making DBD both more fun and more competitive, tunneling & camping doesn't take any thinking or skill, and with longer gen times & shorter cooldown/interaction times, more chases can be had per game.

  4. Out of ALL the changes I'm excited for monsteries shrine is the one I wanna try first! The possibility of basement bub- I MEAN! Basement builds with other scourge hooks is an idea/change ived waited for SO long.

  5. Man I have to say I recently noticed your channel and to have witnessed such truth such facts such DAMN in my ears i instantly subscribed. Loved your video on legion, you gave him justice and peace to his past. Congrats and hourra for DBD! 🇨🇵

    My nipples can't hold the excitement for this update. 🤝

  6. I am mostly exited for the Lethal and Monstrous Shrine buffs. Early game basement bubba. But Off the Record seems extremely concerning. On paper. It may not be as bad as people are making it out to be, because it means that survivor can't do a single thing if they want to keep that endurance. And it won't happen if you're hit immediately off the hook because of the basekit Borrowed Time.

    Also I love the use of Earthbound's music. Hits me with all the nostalgia.

  7. I’m really excited for this patch but I’m concerned on some perks still like dh off the record and monstrous shrine cause you can still camp with monstrous shrine even if it’s 24 meters from the basement same with off the record cause their isn’t anything you can do if some one unhooks during endgame

  8. They really need to either add the killers name even better remove the Survivor names in the lobby. It’s really really shitty getting tunneled by a killer from last game or being sandbagged by a Survivor from last game. If they are making The survivor and killer equal they should also display the names at the end for everyone. If the killer can dodge swfs then it should be the other way around for survivors

  9. I'm really happy for all the buff on the killer perks (even though all of the meta perks were nerfed to hell) and in the killers base kit overall (2.5% regression on kick + 2 stacks of SBFL is a great buff) I'm just sad (and a little worried) about the survivor perks nerfs and buffs (I sincerely hated the way the developers nerfed iron will, and for me DS didn't even need another nerf, not even commenting on the Self Care nerf) while I was reading the changes I was always thinking "ok where is the big thing ??? Where's the "overcharge" for survivors ?" And although they added BT in the base kit (+7% speed) I really don't think it will make a difference (neither would the Zarina's perk) if DS+BT couldn't stop tunneling I can't see how would 5 seconds of BT+Haste stop from tunneling. And with all the nerfs of (some of) the second chance perks, I'm afraid that getting out of a tunnelling situation will be way harder than before. But other than that I think the update is pretty good

  10. Hey, I've seen your video about the meta being stale last week, and was thinking exactly the same about timing when BHVR announced the perks overhaul.
    I'm quite ok with most of the changes (with exception of thanatophobia, and UTR seems quite OP for end game, new meta here) however not sure the game will be less competitive. The meta may slide and spread, but if players mind is not set to enjoy the trial rather than genrush or tunnel, this won't change the frustration. However this is a great step of BHVR in the good direction to decrease the risk of tunneling and camping, from my perpective.

  11. On a fair note, if perks will be adjusted or tweaked in proper right use. There's gonna be more problems… like maps, Killers themselves having their abilities to be properly atoned with or downed,
    or even simply add-ons themselves. Like be advised this shitshow has been running for almost 6 years. And it was never pleasant until… now I guess. Although be advised I'm 100% certain they're also doing this locomotion drive due to drop of playerbase and hateful examples where fans have been asking for such changes for a VERY long time.
    I won't forgive devs yet until they fully get their shit back together. And they have to do everything from bottom to the top.

    Also, if it's not obvious enough: I. want. new. objectives. Generators are goddamn boring. They've been key core mechanism for DbD, and if others tell me "Just play another game then." Sure, but I'm sure these devs HAVE some fucking brains to figure out other than totems, repetitive glyphs and fucking gens man.


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