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Dead By Daylight in the 8.0.0 update is giving toolbox’s sabotage speed an insane buff. All toolbox’s have their sabotage speed buffed so you can sabotage hooks way faster.
*Live VS 8.0.0 Speed*
0:00 – 0:04 Live Cutting Wire
0:05 – 0:10 8.0.0 Cutting Wire
0:11 – 0:14 Live Hacksaw
0:15 – 0:20 PTB Hacksaw
0:21 – 0:31 Live Grip Wrench
0:32 – 0:46 8.0.0 Grip Wrench
0:47 – 0:53 Live Hacksaw & Cutting Wire
0:54 – 1:01 8.0.0 Hacksaw & Cutting Wire
1:02 – 1:11 Fastest Sabo Speed 8.0.0
*Toolbox 8.0.0 Buffs*
1:12 – 1:17 Engineer’s Toolbox
1:18 – 1:25 Event Toolbox’s
1:26 – 1:30 Commodious Toolbox
1:31 – 1:36 Mechanic Toolbox
1:37 – 1:41 Toolbox
1:42 – 1:47 Alex’s Tooblox
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Here we go again people overreacting about a change that you will see once every ten matches and will actually have an impact, very often there is a hook just next to another one
Killer: Clown
Perks: STBFL, Infectious fright, knockout, rapid brutality
Addons: additional bottles or envigoration duration
because of this stupid buff that was not needed there's going to be a lot more slugging and tunneling
Slug meta here we come!
Wow they're actually noticing how useless most survivor abilities are in the game gee took them long enough now they just need to make it where hook doesn't spawn right next to another hook every two feet and it'll actually be viable 🤣…
Agitation / Starstruck about to be a thing. Maybe not meta but boy it sure will be for me. Actually lets hope it doesn't go meta because BHVR like nerfing killer things based on usage and not based on why it is used.
Alex's toolbox was fine as it was lmao thats ridiculous. Everything else is fine but Alex's really did not need buffing
Who honestly looks at this and says “this is a fair change”
Forced hesitation pick rate 📈📈📈📈
This will prob make me uninstall dbd
Imagine carrying a survivor with agitation and another survivor with a toolbox just crouches at a hook and straight-up stares at it for less than a second. The hook succumbs to survivor superiority and breaks down. And we're saying survivors don't have power in the trials?
As a Killer Main. Can't wait. Sabo squads mean less gen pressure. And all it takes is one wrong move for two downs instead of one. With Agitation, Mad Grit, Awakened Awareness, Iron Grasp, Starstruck, might even see some Overwhelming Presence & Franklins.
Stuff like this is mostly demonic in SWF. But it makes it exciting in Solo Q because it will be presented with actual skill instead of knowledge given by the team.
Spine Chill & Resilience also give bonus to Sabo speed. Boil Over & Breakout will work good for helping escape. And then a pick me up perk so when the Killer drops the survivors and goes for a chase.
Just a little shake-up. :>
isnt this like faster than a killer can swing?
A sabo buff was really not needed, the sabo speed is pretty much never the problem, the problem is to guess which of the 3 closest hooks the killer goes to.
Things like this lead me to believe that the dev team are just wandering around the office with shoulders hiked and hands raised, repeatedly going, 'what do we do?' and 'I dunno' to one another all day until someone just suggests something, then that's what they go with
This is not gonna be a fun chapter for me that's for sure lol
yyyeeeaaaahhhh I think I start playing pp Head
Welp ph, onryo and pig are gonna see some pickrates go up now
this gonna be annoying as hell LMAO
Honestly this is a bit strong. You can get hit and Sabo the hook before the killer can recover.
Pyramid head tf is a hook
I don't know if I like this. Sure, getting that sabo while the killer is carrying a survivor to a hook feels nice and all, now that it's faster and easier, and getting the ability to "trade" at the hook is also nice, but I don't really like the idea that survivors are getting mechanics like this made easier for them, and I don't like that survivors are getting into a position where they decide who is getting hooked and who isn't.
Wow. The killer definitely won't walk to the hook that's 10 meters away now.
BHVR not holding survivors hand and making every killer weak or strong wear a metaphoric straight jacket. (Impossible)
As a Sadako main I’m kinda scared but why should I be scared because you know I can do a thing where I don’t even need to hook survivors but that also takes time
Only BHVR can make the best toolbox in the game even better…
an easy counter to sabo squads is iron grasp, mad grit, franklins demise, & starstruck
I swear BHVR doesn't know what they are doing
Oh so killers are suppose to slug then
The Sabotage speed is a bit crazy. I think if Behavior is going buff Sabo speed they should add something where if a survivor gets hit while they are sabotaging a hook they suffer from -50% Sabotage speed for 10 seconds. It would allow survivors who are already prepared at a hook to sabo quicker while also making sure a killer can still somewhat combat it. If feels a little dumb when you are at a hook as killer about to hook a survivor but their teammate is sabotaging right in front of you, you hit them while carrying, and while you are in cool down they immediately get back to sabotaging and the hook is gone when the hit recovery ends for making it impossible at times. This update may encourage killers to slug a lot more and nobody likes that
Knock Out, my beloved
Is BHVR asking killers to slug?
Yeahhh i will play a slug build with nurse and op addon 😊
Its time for the slug meta Lmao
Forced Penance time