The Villains of Dead by Daylight

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In Today’s Video, We’re Going To Be Looking At The Most Well Known “Villains” Of Content Creation In Dead by Daylight. These creators either are youtubers or streamers (or both) and have accumulated both a following AND a bad reputation among the dbd community. Hope you enjoy! 😋

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29 thoughts on “The Villains of Dead by Daylight”

  1. I'm sorry but I can't consider QuietKills and King Wolfe as "villians" because they've never actually done anything wrong. The only thing "wrong" they've done is not play by the survivor rulebook like a lot of content creators do and too many survivor mains don't like it. I'm a moderator in King Wolfe's channel and the man has never ONCE been horrible to another person, even when they were talking crap to him on one of his videos or during his live streams. I will admit QuietKills is not everyone's cup of tea but him and King Wolfe are very respectable people and don't deserve to be called villains.

  2. Trues chat being nothing but yes man, bro your talking like that isn't every single online community to have ever existed. Any big streamer that gives an opinion will have an army of yes men immediately agree with him that's just the nature streaming.

  3. I ran into this voidtodos once. He used a map offering to midwich. I noticed a terror radius literally before I could move so I immediately jumped in a locker. He teleported to the other survivors and downed them almost instantly, then teleported near me. He then started teleporting in circles near the locker in a repeated pattern making me realize he wasn't even playing, some sort of bot. I downloaded obs and recorded it for about 20 seconds, then alt tabbed and held the bot hostage for an hour before the game closed, reported him and he got banned the next day. I knew it was him cause he used his name I can only guess because he was advertising his channel…by killing the people he is advertising to with his cheats. What an absolutely dull human being.

  4. personally i feel Tru3 isn't really a villain, i just think he's brash and only believes his own opinions.
    like i just feel he's annoying, my impression of him is that he blames most of his losses on something "out of his control" like swfs or bad maps, and sometimes i'll complain about a bad map but the recurring excuses adds up to just "dude admit you made a mistake"

    i'm sure he's a great guy in some ways but i find him too… lost in his own beliefs?

  5. A little more information about zeb from an insider (an italian who spectated almost all the zeb life on internet trough documentary or experience). Recently zeb broke up whit his gf and in the zeb community is almost certain that he had a very bad influence from her. Here in youtube Italy people are debating if is a character or not, if it came back for the money or not but one thing is sure, zeb will never do what he says. For example few years ago when twitch was becaming popular he said that he kept doing videos because pays more, after sometimes and his first stream where people donated to him 1500 euros (which he made a video about it thanking all the ones who donated). Or one more recent, under a video of a little commentary channel he said that he will never come back to italy or making videos (The video is named "zeb89 sta per tornare su youtube" all in capslock, is the pinned comment), and 2 weeks later he made his first italian stream after years and yesterday he released a video for his old fans of his format "indie di merda" or in english "shitty indies". And even after the italian banwaves and all the things he have done his fanbase still loves his character, and i don't know too how me i don't hate him or something. i followed his videos before the english lives thing and was really entertaining and to be honest the 2024 zeb looks more wise and a bit more mature than the old zeb. there is a lot more to talk about but i don't rememmber neither have the time to do so.

  6. It's crazy I wanted to go and translate zeb's italian video and I see he's back into italian content with an italian resident evil stream and a new video
    For the people interested he said in his video that dbd is a dead community in italia, so nobody watch it, and there is no point making it content in italian if nobody is going to watch it. He also said he's a grown adult and he's able to do what he wants, and if you don't like it then it doesn't matter go watch someone else. That's why he started english content, because he liked dbd and he wanted to make dbd content, so he had to do it in english. He's saying at the end that he's now happy to do different content, he will make italian content, but dbd will stay in english

  7. The bias against Tru3ta1ent is crazy. Even when you are trying to say that he's right on certain topics, even then you say that he makes some sense or he's well spoken and does make some good points but that can also be dangerous because you got tunneled at 5 gens. Not to mention the mere fact that you put him in the same list as all these people or the fact that you disregard him thinking he's a victim of character assasination but yet you never actually delve into said topic

    Edit: 38:5539:52 is a whole compilation of wrong things said. Firsly, saying he uses tunneling as an easy and underhanded tactic (which is silly compared to survivors staying on the other side of the map holding M1) when the only that time Tru3 does so is when 3 gens pop really early and he needs a kill to actually win the game, therefore "forced to tunnel in order to win". Not to mention, saying Tunneling is a tactic is fine but saying they're forced to tunnel is an excuse is silly. Being forced to tunnel in harder games is a tactic and it's certainly not done every game.

  8. I saw King Wolfe decimate an entire streamer 4 man SWF, with clips of them screeching and calling him a sweaty try hard. Meanwhile on his stream he was telling his entire chat how to make the perfect grilled cheese sandwich.

  9. If Vinny has a million fans, then I am one of them. If Vinny has ten fans, then I am one of them. If Vinny has only one fan then that is me. If Vinny has no fans, then that means I am no longer on earth. If the world is against Vinny, then I am against the world.

  10. The reason tru3 gets so much hate is cuz of his ego. If he could just accept the fact that he is wrong sometimes, or if he was open minded to change he wouldn't get the hate he gets. His ego is the sole reason everyone makes fun of him and he turned himself into a lolcow like shortbread.


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