The War On DBD Streamers | Dead By Daylight Discussion

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24 thoughts on “The War On DBD Streamers | Dead By Daylight Discussion”

  1. Im sorry but If someone says " I have nothing nice to say about Mish", I am ready to fight with him and not like in a debate but a fist fight. Mish is one of the most wholesome and helpfull streamers I've ever met,

  2. I think it also needs to be taken into account alot of the bigger streamers put themselves on these pedestals with videos bragging about be top such and such survivor or killer so "ma opinion is more valuable" I think if the community as a whole moved away from that mentality and both content creators and content enjoyed made an effort to move away from dbd elitism we would be in a better spot.

  3. I feel like the hate on toxicity in this game is kind of overblown in general. not just on streamers but even on other players in endgame chat. LIke idk I feel like there has to be a line for what's okay and what's not, but honestly this makes me think if streamers should be allowed to be upset and broadcast that publicly, which they should, then maybe there's not much of an issue with people trash talking in endgame chat either? I feel like people going to other people's streams or finding someone after a match on steam or some shit is way too much but idk, every game has "toxicity" and "salt", but maybe the community's just too hard stuck on hating others for feeling that way when it isn't really that bad to begin with?

    Not to downplay actual problems with the toxicity and stuff, there's obviously things people shouldn't do or say, like especially going on to a streamer's platform to bring the salt from the game to somewhere else feels super weird… but honestly maybe people need to have more leeway with generally flaming others lmao like it happens idk.

  4. No one’s perfect, just because they click record or stream button dosnt mean that changes. Edit: so I had a game vs a twitch stream and tik tok dbd player, I came in and said glhf, then we went into the game I was demo and I played very efficiently, did some strats that annoyed him, and even tho he was annoyed when I came in I stayed for a while and spoke to him and now we’re chill, he was annoyed about his team and how I played especially after coming in politely and saying glhf, and instead of taking that first experience to heart I stayed and found he’s actually a very chill kind dude who I still watch to this day

  5. I always felt like some of the people that did this shit are fully aware that the average person reacts to the game this way, because I’m willing to bet more than one of these people that have “called out” streamers very conveniently didn’t have that match they were raging at 2 weeks ago on camera.

    I say this from experience. I’m not a streamer, but if I was I’m certain I would’ve been on a SpooknJukes video in my early days on this game. Even today I get butt blasted, but back then when I was learning killer I hated survivors.

    Then I started playing surv more, and got a better understanding of the game, and I calmed down. But I still have those “that’s enough DBD today lol” matches.

    Anyway, I haven’t even arrived at my point, a lot of the time I simply think it’s just malicious clout chasing. That, and as much as I hate to say it, jealousy. A lot of the incredibly negative “streamers all smurf/this streamer didn’t respect my outplay enough” bullshit seems to come with a lot of vitriolic baggage that screams “personal issue” rather than “genuine discussion” with those folks.

  6. It’s so weird to me how some people in this community get mad at a streamer for being frustrated in a fundamentally frustrating game at times. It’s also weird how some people take everything so personally in this game as well. I don’t get it. When the match ends, I forget about it if it was a bad one, I can’t imagine holding a personal grudge for months because someone beat me in a video game. I feel like these are such strange phenomenons in the DBD community for some reason and a part of why the DBD community has such a negative reputation. These are just observations I’ve had personally but I’m certain other people have noticed this type of weird behavior as well.

  7. Good stuff! To me the biggest callout is shit being blown out of proportion or lies being flat out told when a streamer just got frustrated. Newsflash: PEOPLE GET UPSET

  8. Personally I don't enjoy watching streamers who express a lot of emotions, especially negative emotions like frustration or anger. I would never tell them they should change, of course… I just don't watch them and myself am a very quiet gamer. I threw my mouse once, during a single player game – I never got even slightly altered before or after that. Part of a person maturity is to know what they like and not seek what they don't like, no?

  9. This is how my therapist put it it's okay to be angry it's not okay to take it out on others there's a fine line between actually having general complaints which all the people in this video had general and fair complaints and actually attacking someone out of rage or maliciousness which none of them did

  10. People try and hate on them because they wanna be the next streamer everyone watches so they just wanna try and discredit them like oh look at me I’m so much better then this famous dbd streamer lol

  11. I'd take a bullet for Mish, she is an icon through and through. So fun, she has humour for the girlies & gays, super fun to watch, great at the game, super kind too! ♥

  12. The biggest problem with streaming such a toxic game is either streamers going to get targeted or the streamers are gonna get mad are target other players live. It’s absolutely disgusting how much negative influence certain streamers have on this community… 😔

  13. This is a big reason why I don't stream dead by daylight myself, I would like to stream the game, but if I can't get mad at the game and I have to restrain myself that much then I don't think I should, I'll stick with single player games thank you very much


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