The WORST HACKER I've Ever Seen | Dead By Daylight

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30 thoughts on “The WORST HACKER I've Ever Seen | Dead By Daylight”

  1. Im pretty sure at 3:003:05 that was likely an insta heal on Cheryl
    Ive had ppl run circles around me at permanent ~150% speed while playing double chili Bubba then tbag and even flame me in the end game chat cheaters are weird

  2. I want the hack to disable this game from being played in China
    R6 went from 14% to 53% cheaters 1 month after allowing Chinese players to legally purchase the game. Games like rust, csgo, TF2, etc were victims as well, DBD is no exception

  3. Cheating survivors love to use speed bursts when they get out of line of sight. Like I'm gonna come around the corner, see them 20m further than before and say," Sounds about right."

  4. Bro although the cheater is an as#@*le, you were camping from the very start (before knowing about the cheater) which is pretty toxic and scummy, and you can't really say it was a strat and calculated because you probably weren't gonna get a 2k by camping if it wasn't by the rank 15 meg

  5. I understand how annoying cheaters are, obv i dont know the whole context, but if the cheater is solo, why do the rest of the survivors have to be hard camped and stuff(this is all in general, since im assuming they are swf), but i see so many content creators camp normal players


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