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Solo queue is fine most of the time but sometimes you get a teammate that just decides to hide in a locker all game to secure their win. This Kate tried to win by reopening the hatch but unfortunatelyshe brought the wrong key so it would never work.
#dbd #dbdshorts #deadbydaylightsurvivor
Dumb teammates? No it’s a average solo Que match.
Honestly that Kate has a mind of a Dwight and a Kate mixed together
maybe trying to get adept kate or unlock the hatch with a key achievement
Baby kate wanted her hatch achievement. Lol
I think that's a Dwight main trying to listen an advice of play a different character
I wonder why the other keys say “can open the hatch” and the green one doesn’t
I think Kate forgot exultation for the hatch play 😂 stun the killer with the pallet in shack to upgrade the key and hey presto you can open the hatch
To be fair the broken key is so useless they should probably just take it out of the game lol
Someone told a Dwight main about windows of opportunity clearly
Probably trying to get a challenge or tome done no? Yeah it’s shitty but obv they were going for unlocking the hatch, it’s not like they’re incompetent
Probably had a “unlock the hatch” challenge and threw all of you under the bus to try to do it.
lol…what NOOB!😂
If you knock on her head you can hear and echo.
( It's hollow )
Self explanatory, she wanted the escape with hatch using a key trophy. Didn't know she needed a higher grade key. Whoopsie.
This is why I don't like playing survivor. Too many people think hiding in lockers all match is actually playing the game 😒
Yeep half the time this game isn't worth it without swf lol
The name says clearly it's a broken key
The fact that she’s anon makes it funnier.
Pyramid head?
I thought the devs allowed the broken key to unlock hatch??
Can't blame a new player. Maybe its still a horror game in her mind😅
Kate Is Literally All Of my teammates in solo que
I bet she had distortion as well
She probably had the challenge to open the hatch with key and just let the whole team die knowing the killer would close hatch and she could open it. Problem is she didn’t know green key doesn’t open hatch (which is kinda dumb honestly. They should just remove it from the game or allow it to open hatch)