THE ZERO HOOK DEATH! – Dead by Daylight!

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22 thoughts on “THE ZERO HOOK DEATH! – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. before I even watch this, I'm trying to think of what the title can possibly mean, so my guess is Rancor? I'll edit this when I'm done watching to see if I was right.

    Oh nevermind, I forgot about End Game collapse, haha. I thought it was something more rare XD

  2. I think behavior should release a perk like kindred but they can only see you/sort of like aftercare but with gens. If you complete a Gen the 1 random survivor can see you until you get hooked. This will definitely help solo queue because gens are the only win con compared to swf.

  3. Wtf was that palled drop at the start? The match just started. You can just take a hit and heal up. If he still commits, then it would be understandable if u dropped pallets. I don't undersatnd how you have so many hours and play like this. It's because teamamtes like you, the others are left with no pallets to loop with.

  4. Had a feeling this Doc would be a fan. He took one look at you at the start of the game, 180ed the other way and didn't give you one chase until you were the last one.

  5. I hate the fact that you can run the killer for the entire game and BARELY black pip. I know the point is to do multiple things, but if you ran the killer the whole game, you enabled the team to win, you should get more points. (Obviously not the case for the game, just saying in general the emblem system sucks.)


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