These 2 add-ons enable an insane strategy… | Dead by Daylight

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In this video, I tried to emulate the strategy that an insane Trickster main has used to win 180 matches in a row. The most notable feature of his build is that it can completely ignore bad locker spawns. As long as you keep an accuracy of +58%, you can go the entire match without ever having to reload. It took me several games to get used to it, but hopefully I came close to making it justice!

00:00 Intro & Context
01:24 Match 1
11:55 Match 2
22:53 Match 3

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Thumbnail render by @Ev3ntic โค


31 thoughts on “These 2 add-ons enable an insane strategy… | Dead by Daylight”

  1. Other times with these "unusual" or "x killer pro suggested this build" it gives the killer and their power a new look and feel that maybe we hadn't thought of before. Trickster on the other hand, still looks so boring

  2. As a trickster main Iโ€™ve been wanting main event to be a choice of when it can be used rather than youโ€™re forced to use it until it runs out & I feel like melodius murder should be base kit.

  3. I think that playstyle is good only if you are confident with your throwing skills, cause it felt like you waste more time trying to hit every single knife instead going full machine gun and then going to just reload, but i agree it has some moments.

  4. No point in new comments today, you people would defend child predation, proven.
    Instead a survey!
    Based on over six years experience on a scale from 1-10 for fun!

    DBD fairness/ balance [0/10] 0 Being never for fairness, 10 being absolutely every day no matter what. Proven yes.
    DBD intent to hack [10/10]
    Fraudulent losers chance of ddosing you every day? [10/10]
    Intent to fraudulently bully others. [10/10]
    Intent of using hacking scripts. [10/10]
    Intent of ruining your experience for ignorant opinion? [10/10]
    Intent of targeting any truth about this game for illegal erasure. [10/10]
    Chance of racism in this false system lying about equality, and getting govnt. subsidies for equality? [10/10]
    Chance your devs are bullying, racist, and only care about swf play? [10/10] They actually proved it to me twice, and all of you hundreds of times. Losers
    Odds you will face incorrect mmr that will abuse you every time. [10/10]
    Chance of some idiot telling you everything has something to do with skill, while that fk loser uses ESP every game. [10/10]
    Chance of having your mental health attacked for predatory victimization by staff, and customers? [10/10]
    Chane you will be illegally blocked for trying to stream this game? [5/10] Nepotism is very real here, it's the only real thing.

  5. Also nothing posted in Reddit is honest, and they are proven protectors of Nazi ideology. What do you THINK that makes ALL of you over popularized psychopaths?

  6. I think a good idea for me personally would be to replace THWACK!, because although it did get value, it was much more minimal then the other perks. Because THWACK! wasn't giving you the information needed, it left certain areas where you couldn't tell where to pop and where people were for Main Event. So i feel if i try this out, i'm gonna consider running Discordance or Tinkerer instead

  7. Those last clips are the reason why I dont play DBD, I still enojoy Otz videos y it was a reminder of what he has to go trough for my entretainment. I agree, we don't deserve Otz ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. Really the best part of the build is not reloading at a locker. This literally saves so much time and you build way more pressure if youโ€™re good with this strategy.

  9. I'm really enjoying these "learn from the masters" videos where Otz learns from dedicated killer mains all the little tricks about playing their specific killers. Do you think this is going to turn into a series?

  10. 14:49 the difference in play out of this one. She seems good then the moment she needs to leave, she blunders. Something I will always believe, and that is that good tile RnG can absolutely carry survivors to a point where you think they're better than they really are. If there's one thing I've learned playing this game, learn how to run setups that aren't disgusting or aren't near as safe. I see this all the time as killer. You see players that seemingly know how to run things, then the moment they are forced to leave, they seemingly lose all that chase potential they just showed you and get downed instantly.

    20:32 you can see it again here. She doesn't know what to do. She actually has a decent pallet there but just W keys out of there and panic vaults twice.

  11. personally i always use ricochet knives when i play trickster. i find that at small pallet loops with tall walls, aiming at the pallet as you make your way around for ricochet hits is more affective than dance shoes


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