THESE "BLOODEH" DAVIDS! – Dead by Daylight!

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12 thoughts on “THESE "BLOODEH" DAVIDS! – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. imo the best use of crouch isn't to mindgame loops, but to make your reveal area shrink to 1/3 of its size while you're moving, which makes it x3 harder for survivors to reveal you(the reveal mechanic works off of the surface area, not just point of focus. more surface area a survivor can see=faster reveal). something to keep in mind if you want to stalk and keep your stealth! helps with movement quite a lot when you're moving between objects(quick crouch while moving from cover to cover) makes it super SNEAKEH xd

    oh and there's also the tbag bm XD which I guess is perfect for the "act toxic get toxic" series. tbag on slug+nod+hit on hook+tbag on hook lol

  2. Your mistake was not hooking up David when the doors weren't prepped. You could have hooked him before the other could do the door and then its a guaranteed 4k.


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