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You gotta be next level disturbed to react this way to losing in dead by daylight…
Go show some love to both of these streamers!
False Allegations Over Losing A Match Of DBD
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Not the DBD 2v8 Ad on this video
Recently 2 people raged messaged me and I got 1 of them banned on PSN for a couple days LOL
He shouldn't have tunneled 😂
and he asked for a fucking 1v1 🤣🤣
I get insane levels of salt and toxicity while playing the 2v8 with my mate Radbound. I am always getting incredibly toxic people ragging on me because of my ping (I'm an Australian and Radbound's from the Netherlands), they accuse me of cheating and insult me in any way possible.
I've had nasty people do the following to me:
1): Mock me for my voice (I'm autistic, have a slightly nasally voice and speech issues)
2): Insult my playstyle (they tell me I suck, I'm shit at the game, I'm playing like a **tard and tell me I should uninstall DBD)
3): Insulting my appearance (they haven't seen what I look like)
4): Insult my parentage (both my parents are dead) also made some accusation that they created a disgusting creature that plays the game.
5): Wishing violence upon me (Saying I deserve to get bashed or murdered)… I did nothing to deserve this
6): Claiming they're reporting me for cheats / exploits / vpn (I never used cheats / never will, know no exploits and don't use VPN) they encourage others to mass report me for "cheating / exploits / using vpn.
7): Getting incredibly toxic because I'm an Australian and I'm playing with a mate from the Netherlands, they go bat shit insane and try to order me to only play on Asian servers. I have the right to play with whoever I want regardless of where my friends live. It's not against the tos, rules or anything. My ping is always somewhere between 320 – 350 and I can't do anything to fix it.
This could be carried forward to the police for a proper investigation and necessary actions to be taken.
Mental illnesses hit hard for these players
Had someone track me down on discord and on Twitter cause I let them die on hook. They were so pissed. They spammed me with pictures of myself just to tell me I was ugly. EZ report honestly. They got banned on DBD and then I never heard from them again.
Some people shouldn’t have access to video games. They apparently can’t handle it. Smh doing shit like this over a game that’s very sad and pathetic
Reminds me of a time when I was in a match where all of my teammates died and I was trying to find the hatch, the killer eventually found me and I died. One of my (already dead) teammates got so enraged by that telling me in the chat that I was so stupid and that me and my entire family deserved to die, huh??
Definitely not even 20% as bad as this but it's just insane to me how people can get so angry over a videogame.
dude literally admits to a cyber crime (DDOS'ing and Phishing) in the email.. jeez some people are fucking stupid
i was co streaming 2v8 with 2 of my friends and 2 of our viewers and we had a nea and cheryl come into all our chats and start throwing racial slurs and insults at us becausde they were the only ones that died in the match. 2 days later they proceeded to get a group of their friends to all come in and hate raid our discord servers doing the same shit and attempting to try and doxx us in our discords to our communities. (the doxxing doesnt matter as much as my friends and i all have our real first names in our about sections on twitch since we call eachother by name on stream all the time anyway) but the sheer amount of absolute stupid bullshit this games community do just because they lose or even if they even win on dbd is just insane
I got more salt and hate from a week of playing DbD than I did in my whole life gaming, I'm 32 btw
A famous rapper once said: “think he tuff at the most he’s a cyber bully” no one scard of the salty dbd player that has discord mob ties 😂
DBD creates a hotbed for such people without serious punishment.
I was in a lobby yesterday and was feeling good so i just put a lil "gl :)" in the chat and someone went "only baby survs say gl" and left 😂 Well i'm sorry for being nice i guess….I also have 934 hrs on the game.
the world is on firre..quite literally and spiritually.. humans are just horrible creatures generation by generation getting worse…ive been saying it for a decade…. gaming is just where all the children who have no love in their life spend their time chasing validation ..and when they get bested.. their non validated ego goes haywire and all the can focus on is tearing someone down to their level of hate and sorrow
I would've emailed back " do it 🐱"
It is insane how people can't just fucking play the game and if they lose or get upset, close it and go do something else. Oh my god people fix your shit rather than unload your mental issues onto people who beat you in a video game. This is not only DBD players, it's any player base that has PVP. Valorant, League,DBD any and all of those have players with issues.
Average dbd player
Omg those oni shots were absolutely incredible!
Holy sh*t he is nasty with oni 😅
These are grown people too
This is the egregious, over the top toxic criminal level insanity that makes this a certified DbD moment.
Ngl i think the term "Game" does not exist in some dbd players minds. killers and survivors alike 💀
I'm embarrassed that these people are part of the same game community that I am in.
🚨 Grass found in front yard 🚨
That's it, I've seen it all. Someone AKCUALLY wrote a strongly worded email over dbd. The giant Karen energy is too much for me, man. I cannot with these people. The fact they were beaten at dbd and it lives in their head rent-free so much that they threaten real-life danger is disgusting. Kinda almost feel sorry for them because this means they literally have nothing else in life good for them. ALMOST. Lol
😒 So sad. 😒
"play properly" as long as he's not cheating I don't see anything wrong
1v1 😂😂😂 this isn't cod bro anyone who says 1v1 is a dumbass
Someone murdered 2 15 years olds over being called "Bot" so this doesn't surprise me.
And BHVR will never pay attention. Not saying they have an obligation to do anything, but if I found that this was what my player base was doing, I would probably shut down my game and give a lengthy lecture on social media explaining why.
Wow holy shit these DBD players have no life when they make threats like that over a video game they lost.
The "get stream sniped with a script every game" part is hilarious to me because what are they gonna do? Streamsnipe to keep losing to the oni?