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Read more Dead by Daylight ➜
Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at
I always wonder why killers start so bad like 2 gen done and 3 hooks and comeback like crazy on the last 2 gens.
They were spamming wiggle button at the end purposely failing the checks
“Yea, that’s it”
again with so much complaining…
"easiest map and easiest way of playing" sooooo survivors should just not move until u get a free hit? why are killer mains so miserable lol
survivors get bored BECAUSE u dont commit to anybody so they start playing more altruistically after a few gens, which often results in snowballs… it's hilarious the way u make it sound like theres a thousand dollars on the line
That map sucks as killer
i see you often stay around hooks, instead of pressuring your actual objective which is gens. You can’t expect survs to be slow on gens when u literally never check them or wait too long to do so. Also waiting for hook trades will not increase your chances of winning if anything it’ll increase your chances of a drawl, since you are only applying pressure to two survs. btw im 50/50 killer main and surv so I never understand complaints about maps. Yea they’re incredibly one sided most of the time, but there are broken maps for both killer and surv for example haddon, badham, and gideon