Read more Dead by Daylight ➜
At least THEY are doing SOMETHING!!
This won’t get rid of the losers forever but it’s a start in the right direction!! 😀
Use code Potatolegion:
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– PotatoLegion aka “Spud”
🎵Ending Music by: – “Blues” 🎵
#DeadbyDaylight #intothefog #DBD #BHVR #Legion #shirtmysurvivor #horror #multiplayer
Audio might of been stopped while it was uploading.
Me and multiple people can hear it fine!! Was probably just a loading delay!
Refresh 😀
Doesn't matter anymore. Next patch is going to kill the game dead in its tracks anyway.
Remind you of last time they fixed cheating came back stronger.
How do you do that on console?
Honestly Behavior can say this but is it even true? They can throw imaginary numbers at us and we will never know if it's facts
la mejor intro que he visto jajaja
1. Play on a game streaming only service ( stadia for DBD )
2. Turn cross play off
3. Impossible to hack unless physically at the data center
Thats the future of gaming
Finally. FINALLY!
your telling me people have to actually win by skill???
About bloody time, only took two years and 12 of their biggest youtube/twitch streamers on the last PTB updates ripping them a new one
Man the first meme is so related to this topic😂
200k banned is deceptive and 50k in six months the same. I find it very odd the same time I quit due to cheaters they started banning cheaters and then six months later there are multiple videos about the problem still being there and them having "fixed" anything. The only move they are doing that should have been done ages ago is Dedicated servers for hosting. Geee, how much money did they have to make, how many people have to get hacked/abused/spoofed/ddos before they invest anything in the base core of the game.
WHAT!? Players are being rewarded for being good at the game without having to worry about cheaters!?
All it took was Otz threatening to stop uploading DBD XD
That intro. I’m dead lol
Potato: Thank you bEhaviour
Otz: i'm gonna quit
Can someone who knows about it, What does EAC do, I have only known it to cause problems for games even contributing to a games death because of the spaghetti code it runs off.
The introducing clip really taked my by surprise lol
I'd say cheaters are shitting themselves right now but you honestly wouldn't be able to tell since they've never seen a shower.
Hackers when they press a button and win with zero effort feeling proud of themselves 🥳
The meme in the beginning it’s 100% true 🤣
It's a shame 10$ and a couple months of data mining and probably hacking will avoid the entire anti cheat system :/
buena intro potato
Those numbers actually don't really mean anything, a few days ago, my friends came across a hack bot and the said bot was on stream. It took more than 60 games to get this bot banned and the said bot had a ban counter, it had over 200 bans and within a few sec, the bot was back in the game, and the numbers given by bhv may actually include those kind of bot so we can't trust those stats, the amount of real cheaters banned for good in the game might be extremely low in comparison
Hackers: Finally the game begins >:)
This is great news!
Lol i dont believe that sh1t dev always do that so you just stop ranting but in the end there are always cheater like warzone ricochet.
Give it a week, month tops and hackers will be back in full force. That's the sad thing about hacker's, you can't permanently stop them.
DOWSEY 2..0 lmaoooo
But in DBD Mobile still have hackers 😭😭😭
Bro, your math is off, and it's quite clear that you don't quite understand what they are saying in the post!!
I believe more than half of killers are cheating these days.It’s getting worse and worse…
Hey they finally got around to adding what I've been suggesting for years; game ends 5 (I suggested 2) minutes after the end collapse ends. Fantastic!
since when did bhvr listen to people
tantos idiomas y la gente entiende a putazos wn
if they finally fix this somewhat I might actually come back to the game
Honestly barely see hackers so it doesn't even affect me.. What does affect me and pushed me to quit was another absolutely dumb change and another free perk to survivors. Just let all survivors 4 man escape every match that's what they really want. 6 perks per character now, old meta free base kit but killer has no pressure or chance.
they cant stop us💀
The question is why did it take this long?
I have no doubts that It's Otz's Video that really forced behaviours hand, you can't have such a huge person in the community threatening to leave or telling his millions of fans the bad state of the game it's just not good for business
200k banned and 50k this year alone.
That's a lot of losers who can't play this game without cheating 🤔
I hope it works and is not just lip service. Still doesn't change the damage they are doing themselves but this is something that needs to change. Good luck!
They are giving survivors cheats at basekit.
Do you seriously believe in that? Seriously?
I watched a DOWSEY video and saw your ID on a list of accounts and IDs to be sniped. Oooooft. You must have soooo many after all the toxicity.