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Sad times for the Blight mains, interesting way to announce it tho. Should make blight easier to counter. Hope you enjoy the video!
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I will never play this game again if they remove hug tec nerf his addons just leave the tec fml
It was supposed to colide with stuff, not slide by … Great play btw
as soon as i start learning blight and they do this
This is some pretty big evidence that the Dev's are heavily survivor sided.
360's have been in this game for YEARS and untouched but once the dev's learned hug tech existed they immediately want to nerf it.
This feels like the billy nerf, nerfing the power instead of the OP addons like alch ring and the iri ones, speed and other addons are in a good spot imo.
Basement wasn’t in shack…
Hey Hens guys here!
They may remove hug tech but they can never remove my love for the blue little german frog.
I feel like you should do a video where you show every hug tech and what the survivor could've done to outplay since I noticed a few in this video where they did outplay it and some they didn't but they could have.
hug tech makes some of the counterplay to blight not as impactful or intresting since it often time doesnt feel like it matters when you try to mindgame because of how far he can go due to using hug tech basically being able to cover such a long distance that it would not have been possible to get far enough to avoid a hit since he can just adjust to the other direction anyway.
right now after new players complaining this is a "bug" From the moment blight was out players figured out bump tech and slippery walls. Zero reason for this change, glad Evil Dead is this weekend
I dont even play killer and holy crap it looks vital to playing. I have issue with this remaining personally. I would think they would want to get rid of Blights ability to strike around objects. He should have the same or similar mechanic as Billy's reach. You can evade Billy or attempt to and Blight its just handed to the killer. But thats just my opinion. I just see a Coup De Grace for basic attack on Blight.
Oof, I think Lilith Omen is gonna lose his mind
I feel like he’ll drop to B tier because he’ll become more map and RNG dependent to be strong. Since most of the time, there are not close enough objects outside of the loop for blight to use to end chases quickly with his power.
Devs: Nerfing blights hug tech
@Lilithomen: im never playing this game again 😭
I'm not really sure if removing hugtech is the play. Intentional or not, it's a fun part of the killer that opens up a whole lot more opportunities when playing as him. If they cut it out, he'd lose that, while still keeping all the addons that people seem to complain about, namely Alch Ring, Blighted Crow, and C33. Imo they should at least give him an addon pass and see how that changes peoples' reception of the killer before changing the way he plays.
Blight mains will find a way, we always do
Yup this is what happens when people cry about the game :)))
The Pig got a hug-tech. I suppose that's a feature and not a bug, huh. Her power would be so bad without it, The Blight has a higher ceiling with it.
I mean, would it be a problem? As for my understanding "S-Tier" stands for either the best or overpowered…and we can all agree, that Blight is currently under the top 3 killer at the moment. And would'nt it be logical to nerf the best killers?
For me it would be the wrong way, bc I think the addons are more problematical. But I'm not a good blight player, idk if the nerf above would be a problem if Blight is still A-Tier.
This is needed. Hug tech is an extremely unfair movement option with the amount of speed rush has/can get. It was the same thing with J-flicks, Lag-Flicks, and all the others. Blight should not be able to go more than one uniform direction while rushing.
I desperately hope they dont, hug tech is the only thing keeping blight playable on RPD.
I don't play Blight too much, but I think they should not fix it. We don't need to see only Nurse in S tier. It is really cool Blight feature and not everyone can do it. Btw your killer skills are sick
Any "old school" players will remember a similar problem with Billy in 2016. Billy could complete a saw sprint and then change the direction of his saw attack to do a 90 to 120 degree attack to either the left or right side. Billy was fine after this exploit was removed. Blight will be fine after hugging is removed. He will change from S tier to A+ tier and sitll be the second best killer by a huge margin. Instead of being all powerful he will have limits on how his ability can be used. This is called : counterplay.
If it wasn't intended then it shouldn't be allowed. So buh-bye.
probably gonna take them a few years to do
3:53 you could have literally bounced off the wall instead of the excavator in your 4th rush or am i missing sth.? convincing video for those who learned blight in the last half year
Blight is designed to bounce off of objects not to slide along every loop, it makes only sense to fix this bug.
it will take more skill in the future to down survivors now but he will still be A-S tier for sure
Yay it needs to be removed that is unfair for survival
It's definitely should be removed because it makes a lot loops that should be in the favor of the survivor work against them instead and leads to less fun chases imo and I say that as someone who really enjoys playing against blight. He's not suppose to glide along wall, this "tech" allows for him to ignore his downsides. I think people would complain less about his addons if he didn't have this. I actually didn't know this has a name but, I can definitely say I noticed it when playing survivor and felt robbed by a few times.
I don't think they understand how many people will quit the game if they do this lol, it isn't busted, it still has to play around survivors, sure, it's strong, but so is nurse?
So glad this exploit is getting patched up. Now they need to look into his busted add-ons.
it'll take them 18 months to patch it out lol
Rip my main killer
Time to main something else….
I bought him only because what he can do – hug techs and other stuff and i its fun to do it and play against.
I played for 5 months straight blight and still very fun
If they want to nerf him why not nerf his "problematic" addons? i think a lot of his power comes from his strong addons
This game is more and more for new players and they don't care about the older ones, that's why they are making killers like nemesis because they're easy to use (many people feel insulted for this but it's the truth). And it's the same thing with the perks they introduced in the game like boons.
Honestly I just quit DBD and I'm never coming back, I never thought I would feel insulted by a game in this case Bhvr.
My question is why did everybody hate japanese flicks but is ok with hugtechs? Hug techs have less counterplay and are more versatile. Not saying we should remove hugtechs, just something that confuses me.
Ok i hope the devs get ebola
They ruin his fun just i quit 💪🏻🤣
Good chainge blight is prb Nr.2 Killer after Nurse
They will destroy many of blights advantages in a loop and he will fall down the tier latter quite a bit
Even though i main killer I still support the removal of hugtech im just hoping that nurse also get a rework either to make it harder to blink or longer cooldowns or nerfing her addon(s) just think they are stupid strong, I long for either a nerf to these two or a significant buff to the other killers .
Would love to see something else then a nurse or blight every other game. (When I play survivor)