❤Only for fans over 18 year⤵️ Alles sehr schön. Aber zuerst zusammen die Nummern 10 und 1. Eine warmthh.Online Brünette und eine andere Blondine. Es wäre unfair, wennb ich 4 wählen würde
The more they make/buff stealth perks and nerf pallets and maps, the more this killer get better. I think Myers will get defenetively out of hand in the next patch
Imagine that the entirety of your existence was purely to snipe and cheat against someone in a videogame. I hope this person gets help and moves on with their life
"Don't make me" … he nearly made me cry of laughter :') but after that I became quite sad, imagining that this is someone's only source of meaning in life, probably… to imagine they have power over someone, that kind of human belongs in a clinic or at the very least a harsh reconnect with reality. Hope they will be blessed with someone important in their life.
This happened to me yesterday, exact same thing.. except they were doing it constantly and weren't even trying to hide it. At first I thought they were just timing it very well as they were all surrounding me as I was picking up.. So I just said fair play.. but when I downed a survivor at the corner of the map, checked nobody else was there and picked them up against a wall and was still being blinded I realised what was happening xD
bruh, when he said "don't make me get him" it just gave me "don't make me get my mum" vibes. Do people like him really think someone is afraid of him? bruh, it's a videogame, send in a thousand people to snipe, tru3 will carry on making money whilst you're RPing being some kinda pretend internet videogame hitman in your discord. SMH. DOnT MaKe mE GeT hIm, U KnOw WhO I Am
The fact that this is a game about having fun, sure some people get competitive at times. The fact you got to cheat, you should be perma banned on DBD. Then they get mad when you call them out! 😅Love you Tru3! 💪👍
Imagine stream sniping someone to cheat and just giving them free content so they can make money while you sit in obscurity and nobody cares about who you are….
Ngl and I'm sure a lot of people have said but out of all killers a cheater would do is a Myers and he not that good without add-ons mostly like wow also it was a bit hard too see the end game chat
Sighs survivors that are cheating cause u get outplayed and everything u are just pathetic everyone who cheats in games ur never going to be a pro cause cheating will never make u a peo u may not want too be pro still nothing will make be good a video games
why would the claudette even flashlight you to get you to drop her? If she had cheats, she could teleport off your shoulder or just DS you without DS… no, the cheater still needs to manipulate the game mechanics in a way for it to work for the noncheater.
I had a cheater recently who was able to blind me from any angle too. At first I though I messed up my "looking at the wall", but when the Gates were open and I downed someone, I literally saw him tbagging at the gate so I turned the other way and he still got it. Funniest thing about it was that he himself went down in seconds but he had another cheater with him who was just breaking the hooks. So they needed 2 cheats to "win". I really dont get why people do this. Its not impressive at all, all it does is getting you banned. And for what? You dont earn anything by cheating
today i faced bubba that was speedhacking across entire map
Lot more cheating going on… just had a game with a bot myer who insta hook everyone in 30 sec.
❤Only for fans over 18 year⤵️ Alles sehr schön. Aber zuerst zusammen die Nummern 10 und 1. Eine warmthh.Online Brünette und eine andere Blondine. Es wäre unfair, wennb ich 4 wählen würde
The more they make/buff stealth perks and nerf pallets and maps, the more this killer get better. I think Myers will get defenetively out of hand in the next patch
Imagine that the entirety of your existence was purely to snipe and cheat against someone in a videogame. I hope this person gets help and moves on with their life
Man…. Feels like me on Reddit saying “stop crying about nurse.” People melt
Why do people care about any ranks in this game and play tryhard-like ?
Let's take the moment to appreciate how much effort he puts into his content for us
"Don't make me" … he nearly made me cry of laughter :') but after that I became quite sad, imagining that this is someone's only source of meaning in life, probably… to imagine they have power over someone, that kind of human belongs in a clinic or at the very least a harsh reconnect with reality. Hope they will be blessed with someone important in their life.
Lol at lobby chat sounds like among us mode 🤣
This happened to me yesterday, exact same thing.. except they were doing it constantly and weren't even trying to hide it. At first I thought they were just timing it very well as they were all surrounding me as I was picking up.. So I just said fair play.. but when I downed a survivor at the corner of the map, checked nobody else was there and picked them up against a wall and was still being blinded I realised what was happening xD
"you know who I am" 🤣
What the hell did I just read. These people thinking they're controlling the world when they're playing a game 😂
bruh, when he said "don't make me get him" it just gave me "don't make me get my mum" vibes. Do people like him really think someone is afraid of him? bruh, it's a videogame, send in a thousand people to snipe, tru3 will carry on making money whilst you're RPing being some kinda pretend internet videogame hitman in your discord. SMH. DOnT MaKe mE GeT hIm, U KnOw WhO I Am
The fact that this is a game about having fun, sure some people get competitive at times. The fact you got to cheat, you should be perma banned on DBD. Then they get mad when you call them out! 😅Love you Tru3! 💪👍
Once again the DBD community showing itself as being filled with some of the biggest losers humanity has to offer
Lol what a loser, you were outplaying them at every turn
Imagine stream sniping someone to cheat and just giving them free content so they can make money while you sit in obscurity and nobody cares about who you are….
Cheaters are so last year… can they just learn to play normal like everybody else. Such sore losers. Embarrassing.
This is the most cringe dude I've seen in this game. Imagine having that pathetic of a life.
Ngl and I'm sure a lot of people have said but out of all killers a cheater would do is a Myers and he not that good without add-ons mostly like wow also it was a bit hard too see the end game chat
Sighs survivors that are cheating cause u get outplayed and everything u are just pathetic everyone who cheats in games ur never going to be a pro cause cheating will never make u a peo u may not want too be pro still nothing will make be good a video games
why would the claudette even flashlight you to get you to drop her? If she had cheats, she could teleport off your shoulder or just DS you without DS… no, the cheater still needs to manipulate the game mechanics in a way for it to work for the noncheater.
You were basement camping lmao I’m glad she had hacks
who the fuck is dayjax
2:18 comes from countless hours of the game
I had a cheater recently who was able to blind me from any angle too. At first I though I messed up my "looking at the wall", but when the Gates were open and I downed someone, I literally saw him tbagging at the gate so I turned the other way and he still got it. Funniest thing about it was that he himself went down in seconds but he had another cheater with him who was just breaking the hooks. So they needed 2 cheats to "win". I really dont get why people do this. Its not impressive at all, all it does is getting you banned. And for what? You dont earn anything by cheating
15:51 This is the kind of mental gymnastics only a dbd cheater could come up with.
I think he had the better gaming chair
sad dude
These kind of people just make me feel sad about them…
I am from Asia and I quit this game because of hackers. Too many Chinese and Thai hackers.
Dude is a straight weirdo. He really thought he was doing something. Like he expected you to be afraid of him lol.
He think he's got some power in this game "don't make me, 1 message". He's so cringe. I hope he gets banned and finishes highschool.