They Really Tried The DOUBLE CJ TECH?? | Pig, Dead By Daylight

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19 thoughts on “They Really Tried The DOUBLE CJ TECH?? | Pig, Dead By Daylight”

  1. I had a really annoying squad last night but my anti healing + Starstruck build shined through really hard along with a 3 gen and I finally won. It was a difficult match for sure

    Edit: I almost always get sick from eating ShitDonalds everytime I eat it. I don't eat it and other fast foods anymore because of that.

  2. Totally off the topic of DBD, just had to add to that discussion about food poisoning from McDonalds. I have had it twice from them and the second time was horrific, spraying out both ends and feeling like I was gonna die. Had dodgy food before that made me feel bad but my god never anything like I got from a disgusting McDonalds sausage and egg mcmuffin

  3. I hope your doing good man feel better. Always appreciate you for keeping us so entertained. Congrats on the 100 prestige pig I saw people talking about it so it’s making its rounds. Have a good day me mate


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