This 200 IQ play absolutely stunned me | Dead by Daylight

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This was fun match that I might have never uploaded if it wasn’t for the fact that one of the Survivors pulled off one of the most cheeky, genius plays I’ve ever seen. Can you see it coming before it happens?

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27 thoughts on “This 200 IQ play absolutely stunned me | Dead by Daylight”

  1. Everyone please stop complaining i play both sides killer and survivor so it would be hypocritical if i was to give out about one side or the other just enjoy each game we all make mistakes if you complain about a game no point in playing the fun is gone when we start complaining. I was addicted to the game for all of the 3 summer months and made some cool friends on the xbox i adore the game its the best free game I've ever played its one game i don't mind spending money on it helps keep the servers up.

  2. Dwight was likely the best runner, but the girl was hiding primarily due to her lack of any exhaustion perks. She still did well without, until most of the map was a dead zone. Despite this she still went for rescues and basically saved the game for them by taking that hit, which let Dwight continue to be up for about an extra gen. Which potentially could have bought Otz even more time if he'd gotten the 4th stack

  3. After getting stuck in an infinite loading screen bug like 6-7 times in one night, and on top of the awful matchmaking, my friends and I were all like, “Fuck this game. Never touching it again.” Best decision we ever made.

  4. I’m playing a lot of killer and a lot of my mains are getting nerfed like spirit and I don’t know who to play anymore I’m trying to play oni but it’s not going well, I get like 1 kill every match and if I’m lucky it’s a 3k, it’s getting very tiring


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