This Bugged(?) Solo Queue Buff Might Actually Be Too Much – Dead by Daylight

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30 thoughts on “This Bugged(?) Solo Queue Buff Might Actually Be Too Much – Dead by Daylight”

  1. I kinda heavily disagree on the "too much information" part.

    The idea behind all of this, is trying to bridge the gap between SWF and solo Q. The closer to SWF that solo Q gets, the safer it would be to buff killer further.

    Things that being in a SWF enables should be the benchmark that solo Q aims to become. While this 1 change wouldn't be life or death, it still takes solo Q ever so slightly closer to SWF, making it easier and more realistic to balance killer appropriately. It'd just be 1 less thing that SWF has over solo Q and by extension can someway or another be addressed.

  2. I really don't see this issue with this, SWF can call out generator percentage already, soloQ players should be able to do the same since you can't change it for SWF. I really don't understand the point you are making on this one i'm sorry.

  3. I disagree here. A team can tell eachother what progress gens are so it should be possible for soloq to see and I don't think the info is that vital until maybe the final gen when most of the Comms that involve gen progress are anyway in swf or comp. Besides in comp they know one other piece of info to pair with the progress and that's where that particular gen is being completed which to me is the more crucial bit of information as they know to avoid that area of the map in their chase. Of course with some gamesense soloq can also do the similar but it's not as precise.

  4. It’s like when they added the dust prints to spirit while phasing. They said it was a bug that it was left out but I think they were just testing the reaction. In hindsight, they definitely should’ve left that feature in for spirit but I’m not sure about this one

  5. why would it be too much? im a killer main and i love that they are going to implement the generator progress, if they are able to equal soloq with swf that's when they will be able to balance killers properly

  6. The basis for these changes was to provide the same potential call outs SWF have access to, and bring solo as close to that as possible. Whether a SWF calls out or not, the potential is always there for them to do so. The gen progress is no different to recovery progress in this regard. Also, you still don't know which exact generator they're working on, so it's still not perfect information.

  7. This has to be shown , it makes solo and SWF the same. We want this , in long term , we could get a stronger killer kit buffs in general. Currently every new killer feels on the weak end of spectrum due to how bad solo queue is , SWF should be a tool used as " Playing with friends" not "gain infinite benefits from playing together". It sounds scary to give solo queue this kind of information , but in long term this is how killers will get more buffs.

  8. I thought the changes to soloq were enough, played around 20 games yesterday and died in 3 of them. Teammates seemed to be quite alot better but also the ques were so unbalanced that some killers were very clueless so maybe thats also part of the reason why soloq games felt so much easier than normally.

  9. i think is fine because u can easily call gen progress on coms anyway, ive seen so many bad killers with like 500h beating people with over 5k because of broken builds and bad latency hits, dbd is no longer a fun game for soloq, even the new information wont help with anything if the survivors cant loop, especially seeing ur teammates going for chests and not do gens it would be even more annoying to be honest, cause the teammates would still be bad so even if u had all the info in the world, if people cant loop they cant win basically since today meta is all about gen regression with hooking and kicking, which is pretty much the easiest killer meta that ive seen in a long time, the game became too much RNG heavy and too much bullshit hitboxes. game will never be fun again.

  10. I think it's a fine buff – hell, if this is too powerful to be basekit, then just make it an active E key perk that shows you the auras of all gens survs are working on currently, with their intensity indicating their progress.
    Edit: Also, a 20sec cooldown. Obviously.

  11. I think it would be better to buff solo Q as much as possible to bring it closer to SWF on comms, since BHVR is not gonna be banning comms any time soon, and then balance the game around SWF.

  12. How is it too much? Sfw can say which generator has the most progress. Id have no clue where that 99% gen is at. If they nerf gen kick meta then id say its too much sure.

  13. With the solo buff I think I've noticed a slight decrease in catastrophic survivor misplays being what wins my killer games, but more than anything else this is just making people more aware of their teammates' mistakes and causing more endgame chat arguments lol

  14. oh yes, I agree on the progress being hidden, survivors shouldn't be able to see this at any point, also I feel like they will walk back on the survivor UI since almost every game on survivor I see at least 1 person escaping, almost never a 4k unless we get altruistic vs a hardcamper, killers will complain and when they finally balance out eruption the snowflake killer communities will quit and the rest will resort to camp and tunnel harder since all games are about winning
    so far in the event I've done about 20 killer games, 6 of those games I got nearly 100k points a match letting all 4 survivors go, then trying hard to win I would get around 30k, the incentive to win is just about the player's ego at this point, ideal place for the game to be

  15. I disagree somewhat, i think it takes away from the fun aspect but really can add to the balance as killers can be balanced around this information but part of the fun is not having perfect information

  16. I 1005 disagree. I think the best / maybe only way to balance SWF and solo is an ENTIRELY level playing field. when I get pushed off a gen with friends I can say, in less then 2 seconds: Where it is, what percent, and where I am running killer.

    Giving solo queue just the percent is def not too much IMO, at all. Great change IMO.

    Once SWF and solo are closer in power they can finally start drastic rebalancing of killer strength to compensate, and depending how hard they buff killer may end up in a better spot then both SWF / solo, but the GAME itself will be faaar more healthy. here's hoping.

    also for the record, you mention it's like "comp callouts" but trust me, me and my friends are awful, but it's a matter of "if we can call it out, why wouldn't we." Callouts are definitely not a comp thing, almost all SWF's, casual to comp will use them, it's a tad silly IMO to imply otherwise.

  17. I disagree that it's too much information. I play with a bunch of stoners and we don't need to report our progress every ten seconds. But we are EASILY able to get that information out amongst our stoned ramblings.

    If they truly want to balance around SWF. This is what they have to do, Bring SOLOQ closer to their Information level.

    SoloQS still don't get to scout out perks together ECT, they still have a harder time coordinating saves. They still all go in with their own personal mindset for that match(whether it be to do tomes, go for youtube clips ect.).

    Maybe It's the killer main in me? I'll Admit I play 90% killer these days, but I'm so sick of stomping these mindlessly uncoordinated SoloQs. The Gap between SWF+SoloQ was just so laughably noticeable.

    I know you're of the opinion that you don't even Need comms and the strength of comms isn't the power of SWF(having 4 good players together is).

    But you can't deny that comms is a STRENGTH and when you give strong survivors comms they will most certainly be better off with them. And that the ones who truly benefit from the information would be the soloqs who are struggling, the mediocre ones.

    So give them that information, hell the SWF don't even need that information to be oppressive right? So what's the worry about adding in information baseline to the game that is subpar to the information they are already are capable of acquiring? What's bad about buffing the majority of survivors who are just not able to keep up in this current balance pass with the much stronger, veteran survivors?

  18. People say they need to bring soloq to swf but even swf don't give callouts literally every second lol if every survivor is able to know the progress of another generator, then some bottom tier killers should get buffed right away and we all know bhvr won't buff sadako or myers lol

  19. I feel like that's one of the most important things to add tbh. I understand your point but the main issue with Solo Q is that setting priorities is fucked since everyone is missing information, if everyone has some idea how far the gens are it's much easier to set priorities in endgame to finish that last gen. The drawback from not having it is so much larger than the advantage from giving everyone this information


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