This Build Is Too Good Against Solo Queue In Dead By Daylight

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Hex Plaything and Pentimento have taken over solo queue in Dead By Daylight. It requires survivors to cleanse totems to get rid of the oblivious effect from plaything, which gives the killers the opportunity to create more Pentimento totems which need to be managed by survivors.

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21 thoughts on “This Build Is Too Good Against Solo Queue In Dead By Daylight”

  1. I actually got 5 stacks as deathslinger the other day against a streamer. They all waited till there was 2 gens left to cleanse. So I threw a survivor up on the hooked & hobbled as fast as I could. Luckily 3 were kinda close but watching their VOD back I noticed the mikaela trying to cleanse 1 when I had 4 but I got to the fifth b4 she could finish lol.

  2. I use this combo from time to time, but when I have an opportunity to light a penitmento-totem, i usually do it. It gives the most important debuff (30% slower gen-speed) and wastes more of the survivor's time, because the want to cleanse it. Then again for the second and so on. Great for buying time as a killer.

  3. This killer build is ancient and very low tier since by the time you can confirm your pentamento survivors tend to have 4/5 of the gens done so aside from the MASSIVE 20% slowdown on Gen speed it's other effects are non existent.


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