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First I think
Lsr disconnecting in the intro and blaming it on chat, classic stinky xD
Also u wouldn't believe how long I waited for a pinhead vid <3 brave build, I will Def use it 🙂
Love you Elsa
Engineers Fang Pinhead def is my favorite ranged killer.
Box man to powerful in the hands of a meg
I remember wanting to disconnect so badly when I saw it was pinhead but decided to stick it out, ended up being worth sticking it out when I found out it was you
I can’t stand playing against pin head he’s just annoying all around
best killer ever
I remember when Bino was in the streams.
Your a beast
Pinhead is really good when you get good at box logic fr, W video ❤
Nice build might try it out myself next time I play pinhead ❤
Pinhead is a fun adversary. I'll bet you just had bad luck with all the dc's. Can't stop THE BOX 🙂
Pinhead is just not fun to play against in solo que imo.
I'm trying this out 😂
i've found feng players are some of the quickest to DC
Big fan of your channel…you’re easily one of the most chill k-mains in DBD. Good stuff! Oh..and does cheesecake count? If so cherry…
It could be the build but honestly, playing against pinhead it’s really annoying in solo Q.
It’s not the build BABY… It’s pinhead that makes everyone dc
Bragging about being annoying. Weird flex
Hardly anyone plays this killer thank god! However this means no one really knows how to counter him so with a tough build as well of course they don’t want to stick around.
Not that the killer is good at the game.
Love your streams and personality. Wish I could find a down to earth lady in my life. Lovin your background. Classic movie
If the Gabriel didn’t try to give up they could’ve won
Thank you again for the dead survivors Space 😀
I've been noticing a huge influx of new players since Nicolas Cage update. Not that I'm excusing the disconnects, but new players tend to give up much quicker.
I notice you're not using the ability enough
Try using the chains more
Like when chasing the first survivor around the fence, you could of chained to catch up and possibly make it to the fence. Even if you didn't, when looping the car, you should of used a chain to catch up quicker
Any tips bc I find it difficult to turn round objects in a loop chase
I went Pinhead the other day for the first time in a long time and 3 people dc'ed after I got the first down…
No body wants to play against these over power builds. Most people get on here to have fun not try and play comp DBD and you killer mains are so pathetic about 4k ever match it gets old having to try hard because you killer mains are toxic folks slug people for hole matches camps hook it is ridiculous.
"Oh please, no tears. They are a waste of good suffering."
Make em suffer, mooore paaaiiin!