This Dwight Tried To SANDBAG Me All Game!!! | Dead By Daylight

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This game was so strange! Enjoy the sandbagging Dwight! ❤️

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8 thoughts on “This Dwight Tried To SANDBAG Me All Game!!! | Dead By Daylight”

  1. Rip, you ran into a douche killer and some boot lickers. I hate survivors like that so much, if someone does that to me and they get hooked or go down I just straight up let them die bro. Literally just killers who aren't good enough to play properly trying to farm points for perks, and survivors who are shit at the game trying to suck up so they survive. Like, if a killer really wants to play like that then fine, whatever. If the survivors want to join in to farm points then fine. Killer chasing only you in this one made sense, you were good and therefore he wanted to kill you. But survivors dragging other survivors into it when they're just trying to play the game? Dick move. Reported.

  2. I had a game last night where a Rebecca sandbagged a Leon… Then when I killed her and hooked her, she messaged me complaining that I killed her after she gave me a free kill.

    I don't play killer to play as a team. I play killer to kill the team. Both the Dwight and Legion were either just horrid players, or they're friends.

    Actually, they're both.


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