This Ghostface camped her for 2 gens… RUN!!! || Dead By Daylight

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I just found 4 guys running from the Ghostface amusing lol


11 thoughts on “This Ghostface camped her for 2 gens… RUN!!! || Dead By Daylight”

  1. Such a satisfying ending. I had a huntress camp on that same map once. Big time camp, not even endgame yet. At the end of the game, every survivor called her out for it in the post game chat.

    I'll never forget the huntress response "if you don't like it, play a different game" lmao, what an elite player

  2. I do the same, but only when all 5 gems are done and I haven’t killed anyone, oh well last person gets camped lol because I already know for a fact if I leave, they’ll unhook her and I’ll have no kills, experience

  3. i never understand why killers camp early. Not only do they not get bloodpoints, they also lose pips (given that the remaining survivors don't rush hook and just do gens).

  4. Camping is a strat, Tunneling is a strat, camping after the exits open is a STRAT stop complaining and NOED isn’t even that good. If you get camped just deal with it it’s not the end of the world it is just a game.


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