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29 thoughts on “THIS GIRL RUNNING FASTER? Dead by Daylight”

  1. What people who don't play killer and survivor both enough don't realize is new perk combinations allow you to legit do things only hackers used to be able to do. It is now impossible in game to know. Just yesterday I watched a Hag actually try to chase a made/hope Tapp and he made it to the exit in a straight line from the other side of the map without an endurance hit.

  2. this game is trash now, all it did was BUFF hackers as well, they just increase their speed even more by 1% or so with made for this. on top of that this game is just terrible all killers should be 4.6 speed NOW! 4.4 killers cant do ANYTHING when survivors are around a loop with made for this they're force to wait for power to come back which is just dumb. running in same circle loop makes this game more toxic and people are more liklty to CAMP or tunnel cause it makes the game BORING why even bother chasing LOL!.

  3. they need to make it so that blind totem also last for 60 seconds after its destroyed!, or if you hit all surivvors it last a additional 20secs for each survivor idk its just dumb sometimes how survivor can just delete a killer perks, and hex totems 70% of the time feel like they're always in a terrible SPOT! the fact survivors don't even NEED hex totem finding perks in this game is just another unfair thing.

  4. The wonderful "balance" of DBD is just so special that it's hard to tell the difference between hacks or legit survivor nonsense unless it's so utterly blatant that there's no room to doubt.

  5. This is exactly what people were talking about when braindead bhvr decided to create MFT, 2 major problems, 3% gives too much value and makes actual cheaters be able to stay well more hidden til the end.

    And those cheaters who will still run MFT, they will just add a .5 or 1 extra percent on top of MFT to hide their subtle cheats even further and I've already run into at least 2 (as far as I am aware, I could have ran into more then I was aware of) of them.

    And I was only able to catch them both in the act by baiting them into looping a long loop on haddonfield map and the other one on the macmillan map and closing the gap between me and the cheaters felt so slower then usual against an MFT user and I was perfectly cutting the corners, I was hugging the wall and everything and it was only when I hit BL1 it felt like a normal chase against an MFT user because now I was catching up to the player like I should've been.

    Course, still didn't catch him because the moment the 1st cheater realized I hit BL2 he dopped the pallet and I was playing ghostface so tf was I suppose to do?

    The 2nd one didn't drop the pallet, so I was only able to finally catch him at BL3

    This is why I've been saying this, because in the case of DBD's cheater problems and BHVR putting barely any effort to do anything about it, if you're in support of MFT being "fine" and "balance", you're also in support of keeping the cheaters safer and more hidden.

  6. This kind of cringe SWF is why I almost always fit franklyn's in my build.
    Nothing triggers more SWF than having their cheesy flashlight slapped off their hands.

  7. Iiiii could be crazy; I didn’t read the thumbnail. I was just trying to guess the perks of everyone before the game ended while I was in bed.

    nea has resilience vault speed at 3:32. You can compare it with the Yui at the same pallet at around 5:54 or 5:34 I forget the time stamp and I’m on mobile so I can’t go back.

    So she has subtle speed hack of some sort and resilience.

    You can also actually time another spot as well very, very well. When he downs Mikayla and goes for the slug 4K, it takes 4 seconds to get to the last spot he saw her. Conveniently, the direction she runs in a U shape to go back to the hook, where both end points are equidistant to each other.

    To keep it short, her time to pass each segment of the U shape don’t match. She increased speed when out of line of sight as well.

    Usually I’m fairly skeptical of these, but I did a lot of rewinding because it was breaking my head a bit


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