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THIS GUY IS SO TOXIC… Dead by Daylight
I’m live right now! get on over here –
#tru3ta1ent #dbd #deadbydaylight #toxic #salty
Tru3 smiling and having fun as Survivor
Tru3 focusing and being stressed as Killer
Perfectly represents how both sides play 😆
Can someone explain Victor's power to me, it shows that tru has the blindness status effect but his windows of opportunity is still working. Is that a bug?
Nobody better do anything but praise Twins players. Literally less than 1% of killer picks for a reason, they're broken and underpowered.
Anyway i can talk with you about editing a video for you? Im trying to get examples for future work around content editing. I just want 1 chance if you like it cool if you don’t then whatever i just want that experience.
I think you got trolled. Rancor users can not see you in lockers you would've survived if you stayed in the locker a bit after it triggered.
Yo who tf lied to tru3 lmao
died like a hero to a strange new tile because someone lied.
good video
He should play solo survivor on a new account against all the Smurf killers it would completely change his prospective of survivor 😂
I know everyone complains that twins aren’t strong and in some cases they aren’t but honestly I really don’t mind when survivors hold Vic because effectively that’s still someone not doing gens, healing, or booning. So if they wanna hold Victor while I’m juggling the others not much is really getting done gen wise because its 75 percent efficiency almost like a survivor died but not really ya know, only really need to recall Vic when you feel is necessary like a super strong survivor or when everyone is injured so can just do a slug fest some other situations as well. Basically you’re trading not using your power for less survivor efficiency at your own choice IF they hold him.
All dbd comp players are cringe let's be honest.
There's better words to describe them, but YouTube will delete the comment.
love you, Tru3!