This HAG Match Had Me Sweating | Dead By Daylight

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In this video I provide you with some intense Hag gameplay. I hope you enjoy the video and thanks for watching (:

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11 thoughts on “This HAG Match Had Me Sweating | Dead By Daylight”

  1. The cockiness of survs isassive sometimes, my last hag match was this exact same way a 1k turned into 4k because they thought they could 99 gates and save. I knew the last gen was lost so I spent time splitting traps between gates

  2. Bro, I see this happen all the time, one time I lost really bad, and all the survivors nearly escaped but 1 meg got cocky and didn't leave, I downed them at the gate and were so close to getting out, but I grabbed them before they could, and I got a 1k out of that game. The funny part is they tried to DM me after the game, and I knew they were pissed when it was their own dang fault. LOL (p.s. I didn't open the DM, cause I'm not going to be yelled at by a child)

  3. I remember how I got my tombstone achievment with Myers because of surv cockiness😂 I already Mori'd 3 and was hopeless bc the Dwight was at the gate tbaggging already. I took my chance and was still able to mori him 😂😂😂


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