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19 thoughts on “THIS IS PRIT MUCH BULLYING! – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. It’s sad that all slowdown blight is the kind of killer gameplay the devs are encouraging.

    It’s not fun to players like me who like to play different killers and try out different builds.

    Because the current state of the game is just everyone sweating their balls off non stop.

    It’s either kill everyone in 5 minutes or everyone escapes in 5 minutes

  2. DBD will never have their characters look like the actors that played them because then they would have to pay the actors on top of paying for the rights to the franchise. The obvious exception is Bruce Campbell, likely because I think Bruce Campbell owns the rights to Ash himself (and even if he didn't, Sam Raimi and Bruce Campbell are best buds and would never allow someone to have an Ash character that didn't look like Bruce).

  3. For shits and giggles I'd love to see a high MMR match with zero perks or add-ons on either side just to see what it's like. Also does anyone know where Tru3's from?

    Edit: even better I wish they had separate modes, like "ranked" for MMR, "unranked" for normal but you match with randos from the whole experience/player level spectrum (and maybe SWF is banned), then "classic" or something where it's no perks no add-ons kinda like the uncharted multiplayer mode where everyone started with the same AK and handgun and there weren't really any boosters. Obviously if it were a real thing there'd have to be more limits and testing and stuff but let's be real, trying to rank an asymmetric game is frankly insanity because by nature one side already has an advantage. It works for cod and madden and mortal Kombat because both sides are on equal footing.


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