This is SADako now… | Dead by Daylight PTB

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Recent Killers added and reworked have all something in common. All their counterplay comes down to Survivors needing to hostage or remove the opposing killer’s power out of the match. Not only do NONE of these Killers have strong enough powers to justify this but it makes both sides boring, mundane, and no room for interactive or innovative gameplay

00:00 Explanation
05:31 Sadako PTB Gameplay

Wanna STALK me? My Instagram’s Right Here! —

Wanna purge your insomnia with a full autopilot dbd playlist? Here ya go! —

playing Dead by daylight also known as dbd with every killer trapper wraith hillbilly nurse huntress hag shape aka myers doctor trickster dredge artist deathslinger ghostface demogorgon pig onryu aka the ring clown cannibal aka leatherface nemesis plague freddy spirit legion oni executioner aka pyramid head blight twins cenobite aka pinhead and survivor Nicholas cage many people play this asymmetrical horror including tru3ta1ent otzdarva jrm and ayrun! (Just seeing if the algorithm will eat this up)

#dbd #dbdkiller #dbdkillergameplay #dbdnewupdate #sadako #dbdsadako #onryo


21 thoughts on “This is SADako now… | Dead by Daylight PTB”

  1. Good point you bring up something I have been noticing as well. Skull Merchant and Onryo are both r2 killers who power while simple don’t have much utility in chase. Atleast Sadako had a condemned build to make her a little viable. The rework just feels eww and don’t even get me started on Singularity the changes were fine but still ultimately a joke. You get bad map rng like Lerys no power for you I hope you enjoy r2(melee attack on PlayStation) only playstyle. Sadako has become basically a very inferior Wraith. Manifest hit demanifest chase injured survivor anc occasionally mind game at pallets nice 👍. To be fair though her new rework does give her some slowdown though

  2. The perks of killers says it all. Really look at em n compare to survivors…go in with the mindset that of a killer main. Every killer perk has to be earned. Sometimes more than 1 thing. N yes downing, picking up AND carrying to a hook is 3.sep.things. so speaking facts…most killer perks requires alot. Now look at survivors perks….esp the best. Why??? Simple. Given for FREE. Oh we get nowhere to hide….lol perks like this ofcourse they don't require much. They don't DO much. Devour? Oh no, it's a hex. 4 ppl, lol no control, reliant on rng. Oh let's not forget they are notified of almost every perk the is using. They are literally told of some perks when they shouldn't be. W exp they should know* . No screw new ppl. This is not an average game it is purely online. It is a learning curve game. Why is this community so interested in solo q? Get friends! Never mattered in any other game! N skill? Required to do well. Shouldn't be given, and freely at that. This game is so hard to understand n can never really balance because marketing wants a new chapter every 3 mo. Nothing is guna change but damnit I gotta rant sometimes. This game is fucking survivor sided to a CAPITOL T lol n it saddens me. Miss old dbd. Not a pallet or infinite loop every 10 meters (that IL admit is cause of killers nurse n blight but they could nerf these guys but dont , for ex compound 21 or whatever, stupid strong should be nerfed)

  3. To keep sadako good I think the changes are good HOWEVER if a survivor has a tape, it should build passive or get a fixed amount so for ex if you waited til last second to grab a tape, it could* put you in condemned. Sounds fair being that survivors are greedy little bastards. guys. If this makes the rest too strong just tone them down. 1 pump Willie the best sadako main even agrees w this. All good but w no condemned picking up a tape that's just stupid n inaccurate to the game AND the actual character or "lore"

  4. Bro, when there are only bots in the trial the game should just end (when the last player disconnected or is sacrificed), you should not be forced to face an only bots team.

  5. It's choices like this that made me realize i made the right choice to quit the game. BHVR has no clue how to manage their own game. Also when you say coup de grace you're not supposed to pronounce the P.

  6. The longer I think about it I like the Sadako changes and want it to come to the game. The only minor change I want is for each survivor that's holding a tape while Sadako is teleporting survivors that are holding tapes get .25x stacks.

    This would mean if 1 survivor carrying a tape then they gain 1/4 of a stack condemnation
    2 suvivors carrying tapes gets 1/2 stack of a stack of condemnation
    3 suvivors carrying tapes sgets 3/4 stack of a stack condemnation
    4 survivors carrying tapes get 1 stack condemnation

  7. Global condemned, 70 seconds when teleporting and 90 seconds when survivor gets a tape (maybe devs should lower both by 10), Ring Drawing nerf and putting tape to any TV are good changes but the rest is just bad.
    1. No stun when Demanifested…. Why? It's useless. Just let her go through them and windows too
    2. Addon changes are BAD. Iridescent Tape makes the condemned playstyle comeback again but even worse and the rest is just stupid nerfs
    3. 15 second cooldown should be on global condemned not a teleport
    4. Survivors holding a tape are too safe. Bring back 1 stack when getting a tape and maybe the passive condemn too
    5. And finally…. Delete the fucking lullaby. You even get the visual terror radius cause of it which shouldn't happen to a any stealth killer


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