This Is Unwinnable Right? Dead by Daylight

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This should be a 100% loss, but is it?

#tru3ta1ent #dbd #deadbydaylight #comeback #loss #pheonix

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17 thoughts on “This Is Unwinnable Right? Dead by Daylight”

  1. Survivors feel they need so many second chance perks when their biggest advantage over the killer is the killers FOV. That nea at the start juked so hard because of how zoomed in killers fov is. I bet if we were given even 15 more fov a lot of the "spins" they do will no longer work.

  2. Camping or proxy camping to assure you get at least one hook??? Mmm takes no talent I see 🤷🏼
    Again camping and proxy camping ARE NOT skills. Don't give me that "I've been conditioned" crap. Excuses. Early game on it's like you as the player were scared losing so bad you gotta resort the things that is pure toxicity of this game. Idk just one observation 🤷🏼
    Someone who's played killer main for so long…you camped hard in this one 😂😂

  3. That Nea managed to waste a lot of the killer's time by looping really well but then undoes it by giving the killer a quicker kill by trying to 4% off the hook and then not struggling. A few seconds matter, folks. Killers know this and smart survivors know this.

  4. Anybody here watch Scott jund, the point I'm trying to get at here is that Scott wins almost all the time and he hardly camps and tunnels, if you're a smart and experienced killer player you do not need to camp or tunnel, it's harder to win yes but it's not needed to win at all, it really all comes down to the map you get and how well the survivors are on that map or how good they are in general. I have 5k plus hours in this game only been playing since June of 2020, am a survivor main but play my fair share of killer as well and can say if you know how to pressure and catch people efficiently you will win more often than not even if they're good, it's much better to go and pressure the map than to camp one hook depending on the point of the match because you force someone else to get the save who was potentially on the gens in the distance.
    Now true did get 3 kills but I would also say the survivors misplayed a decent amount as well it wasn't all because he was doing great. Just wanted to say that for no reason at all just putting my opinion out there. 👍😎

  5. I swear. That girl was cheating. Either that. Or BHVR needs to make survivors learn new skills. 6 years is a long time to practice and master something. Besides perks. Nothings really changed with survivor.


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