This Legion build is literally BROKEN! | Dead by Daylight

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This Legion build consists of aura reading and mass slow-down; combined with the ability to inflict the Broken status effect onto Survivors, you’ll find chasing down targets to be incredibly easy!
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34 thoughts on “This Legion build is literally BROKEN! | Dead by Daylight”

  1. im very new to the game and i cant even play on pc but your videos make me so happy it feels like im learning something new every time i love this

  2. My current build for Legion is Discordance, Jolt, Fearmonger and Lethal Pursuer. But since I got Blood echo from the shrine, and I just bought Myers and Ghostface, I'm thinking of changing it

  3. I really appreciate you explaining your build instead of just game play. Omg you even explained your actions during game play ❤ if you do more of these I'll have to pledge/ join

  4. I really appreciate you putting commentary over you video. As longtime fan I understand why this content is a little harder then other content so genuinely, good video dude.

  5. hot take but idc. I think killer event pallet break and survivor event pallets should stay in base game. Not too OP with a cooldown and it not only makes survivor more fun but gives M1 killers counterplay.

  6. I think the pins for Legion are fine enough, most teams choose to stay injured anyway and play around you being an M1 killer. Overall I'd like to still see some mild adjustments for him mostly just because I like the style of multi-stabbing in Frenzy, but not often do you get to due to him at times being dependent on too many factors to chain. His add-ons to increase speed/duration are pretty much necessary to do so too.

    I don't think you should always get the four hit mend and fifth hit down guaranteed, but I'd like to see a different system where Legion can do more with his power than he currently does. Several ideas, but getting a proper balance that's enjoyable for both sides is always difficult.. And it's always just fun to think about given that the devs will probably never implement it anyway.

  7. The whole "don't heal against legion" or "don't cleanse against plague" mentality honestly giftwraps some matches for the killers, with people sticking to that instead of learning context adaptation.

  8. I also really like this event. I have started playing the game 3 weeks ago (I'm not new to the game, when I was a kid I'd watch a lot of YouTubers, but I couldn't and later when I could I was too scared to play the game) and this event gave the hell of a lot of points that I needed to make my survivor build.


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