This Meg Squad HATED Lightborn!!

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Today we use lightborn in dead by daylight.

This Meg Squad HATED Lightborn in Dead by Daylight. The new update to dbd. Funny moments and meme fail.

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47 thoughts on “This Meg Squad HATED Lightborn!!”

  1. I find it funny how these "bully sqauds" basically never manage to win, they just kill themselves and basically let you farm them. It's SO easy to outplay a bully squad if you know what you're doing, and the sad part is, they actually think they are achieving something… they are just giving almost free wins and acting like they annoyed you, when they barely get points and they lose all their items?? It's baffling. When ONE perk can outplay an entire strat.. maybe it's a bad strat.

  2. Ah I remember facing people like these. 4 Claudettes. That map. Unbreakable, boons, and lots of flashlight. Needless to say. Some of them died to being slugged because there are no more hooks at a corner of the map.

  3. Are gods just not so interesting?

    You all could never be one, but we do exist.

    Take the teachings of hermeticism that explains throughout it's ever changing history from 300 B.C. to 300A.D.

    That god is not an identifiable entity, but the internal structures of higher knowledge, and philosophy.

    If such is true, then it MUST ALSO be true these higher truth in there masses stand as correct pillars of irrefutable correctness of the laws of nature, and the very concepts of physical laws.

    In conclusion if SUCH could be true, then there are us who stand as these pillars.

    For example Integrity, loyalty, and righteousness are very important in the life of an individual. The proverb – “Honesty is the best policy” points to these characteristics. These smaller higher truths share with his an overlapping of ideology, and philosophies that revolve around core structures of humanity such as honesty.

  4. Sometimes I bring a basic yellow flashlight to practice using them, and then I load into a lobby with 2 or 3 more flashlights, so I have to take mine off because I know the killer will bring lightborn or franklin's… I'll never be competent with flashlights at this rate. 😂Flashbangs it is.

  5. Its really tricky to set up Exponential Boon in a manner which is effective let alone useable at all.. But when you are able to squeak value out of it, it can become INSANELY valuable in a matter of seconds.

  6. Lol I love that one of the megs really said "Close" in the end game chat, as if they didn't hand feed you that win by swarming so brainlessly like that and trying to flashlight you.


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