This NEW Update Changes Dead by Daylight FOREVER

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no way an update changes the game

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0:00 Intro
0:51 Game 1 vs The Legion
03:06 Insane moment thats prob never gonna happen ever again
03:15 Game 2 vs The Legion
08:14 Cute moment
08:34 Game 3 vs The Nurse
14:03 Outro


Dead by Daylight is an asymmetrical horror game featuring 4 survivors and 1 killer. Some of the best perks in the game include sprint burst, dead hard, balanced landing, exhaustion perks, decisive strike, unbreakable, object of obsession, adrenaline, iron will, pop goes the weasel, Hex:ruin, corrupt intervention. Some of the best builds in the game include the no mither build, the tryhard survivor build, the meta survivor build, the invincible survivor build, the vault speed build, the most toxic survivor build, the legacy survivor build, the object of obsession build, the aura build, the most efficient survivor build, the best survivor build, the best killer build, the genrushing build, new killer in dbd gets released all the time, wesker from resident evil is coming to dbd albert wesker that guy yeah along with new resident evil chapter in dbd good dbd youtubers to follow (besides me ofcourse) are otzdarva, ayrun, thejrm, naymeti they talk about survivor techs all the time every survivor tech in the game and maybe even shirtless survivors in dbd, i made a guide about every single survivor tech in dead by daylight recently you should check it out smile survivors techs are fun, i love the dumb tech, the cj tech, the ayrun tech and especially holing killers i love when killers get holed by jrm in his the dead by daylight experience videos but i hole em too so watch puffalope hes cool new update, 6.5.10, new survivor soloq buff, new soloq changes dbd, new skin blight, William Birkin dead by daylight, new update soloq changes in dbd, new update dbd


21 thoughts on “This NEW Update Changes Dead by Daylight FOREVER”

  1. As a killer main this is unrelated but literally the only perk in the game I don’t respect from survs is windows of opportunity I’ll even respect dead hard and off the record before that perk

  2. GAME IS 100% trash and survivors sided down vote this shit game in an heart beat!, gaming isnt scary its baby survivor sided. solo Q killers don't stand a chance in this game unless they go vs retards, survivors have all the tools and free perks on what the killer is doing! free BT, free HUG CHASE INFO which is FUCKING DUMB! that dev needs to be fired right off the bat and put on janitor duty for failing that bad at balance giving survivors free chase info who the fuck whats to play solo Q now as a killer its even more stressful, your going vs more bully squads it feels like due to the free HUD and gens get done faster cause survivors know your not chasing them anymore.

  3. What I experienced with this new update is wiggling progress too slow. Boil Over seems useless, body blocked the hook could end up 2 more survivors to go dying state before the person can wiggle off. Kinda a bit too easy for killer without agitation or iron grasp to hook the survivors now

  4. I figured this was some sort of video discussing the greater context of the update. Instead it's a little bit of that, and then some generic footage of you looping a guy and engaging in verbal self-masturbation over pretty generic footage of you doing good.
    Shame. Guess I fell for clickbait.


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