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This PERK Is Actually BROKEN! twitter: twitch:
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This PERK Is Actually BROKEN! twitter: twitch:
Let me know your thoughts. Is this a bug?
Bro PWYF got NERFED FOREVER AGO. All M2 attacks consume tokens. Huntress hatchet’s, demo shred, Nemy tentacles and so on.
this should stay in the game. Its just one build.
I just realized that with the Iri addon for Acidic blood you're an actual monster for dealing damage without running out of stacks for PWYF.
i dont think its a bug because the tail is part of the power ability runner mode and not an M1 attack
Love the jazz outro
POV they're actually buffing play with your food.
Idk why but the xenomorph’s head looks a bit too big
U said u gonna mori the last guy…….
Wait, What about nemesis's whip attack? Also have you test play with your food and save the best for last?
I wish they would neef the numbers and just have it work like stbfl, would mak it alot more balanced
annnd ptb is done
It will be patched when xeno goes live
It's a ptb feature masked as a bug.
bro forgot the mori💀
I think Xeno should also be faster while on fours, I do like that they make it harder to see over loops other then the tail, but for it being a runner cast I think it needs to be a little faster in comparison to its normal stance, and tbh i’m fine with him being a broken killer, it’s Alien, it’s the Xenomorph quite possibly the biggest license Behaviors ever gotten, and i’m happy seeing a new apex killer in the game, spirits been at the top of people’s lists for two long, give us a new terror of the fog, it is the perfect organism in lore, so let it be the strongest killer we’ve ever seen in dbd I say and for those wondering bruh, i’m a survivor main and i’m saying all this, I know it’ll be hard to deal with and terrifying and people will say “this isn’t faaaaaaaaiiiiiiirrrrr” but fuck that, I love the Alien franchise and making it OP as fuck is them doing it justice, if they just made it weak wouldn’t we all be pissed asf and disappointed?
Definitely a bug I would think
Won't be a part of the regular game after the PTB. It cannot stay that broken. So what's the point of making a video? For something that will only be during beta testing
Bug….. though… with the xenomorph perk that adds haste would make it like a temporary 3 play with your food stacks. Sure, you use one token of play with your food… but the other perk gives you 5% haste after a basic attack.
I hope it's a feature.
One Time The word "broken" isn't a clickbait in dbd video. Like quite literally just broken
Demogorgon do the same for werry long time and others. Its not the bug.
The tail attack isn’t a basic attack, re-read the perk’s info lil bro 👁👄👁
Babe wake up I found another underrated DBD YouTuber
Its a bug, most killers when they get added to the PTB don't lose play stucks with their power.
Nope devs forgot to put the tail attack under the special attack
Oh hey can you use my singularity perks? Starstruck, pain resonance,jolt, and bbq and chilly