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Read more Dead by Daylight ➜
Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at
I feel like this map is so bad for low mobility killers, chaining portal to portal kills so much time. its to easy to make sure 1-2 gens are down below and 3 gens are almost impossible
not familiar with vecna’s lore, but a more colourful and vibrant map wouldve made more sense in a dnd update
ngl you are so entertaining.
was that first build trolling😂😂? predator, insidious, bloodhound, stridor- yeah definitely ‘mid to high mmr’. what are you going to do, track them to death?
Haha he missed a guy that was right by him when he kicked the gen at the 3 minute mark. Not sure if he was reading chat or what but he was like right there behind the haybail, you can see his aura after the kick.