This Salty Streamer Wanted To SUE ME | Dead by Daylight

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I am frankly tired of this “drama” and am ready to move on from this annoying copyright situation. He admitted that it was an abuse of the copyright system and illegal, he has no defense for these actions. These videos are for CRITICISM purposes only, harassment is cringe, don’t do it.

Did this streamer actually want to sue me? Yup, he and his wife wanted to go to court, but they would’ve easily lost in any ending. I’m leaving this situation here, I do not want to make any more videos on the matter unless something extremely significant comes of this video, lets go back to making positive content boys 🙂

Go sub to Choy’s channel:

His video covering cheaters in the DBD community:

Copyright Disclaimer: Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. If you try to copyright and takedown this video, I will fight it and pursue legal help.

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42 thoughts on “This Salty Streamer Wanted To SUE ME | Dead by Daylight”

  1. Justice has being served. If I had a streamer friend like the way he is I would immediately call them out as having someone like that in my life wouldnt be healthy in all aspects. Keep doing what you are doing ❤️

  2. Just looking at this guy's profile pic you can tell he would be an ass, big cm winter vibes. As I was typing this I heard that he had a wife in the background??? Someone is in love with this dude?

  3. Only thing I disagree with is the racism isn’t funny and u shouldn’t say racist jokes in private, who tf are u to decide what someone can find funny or not? Plus it’s in private so it doesn’t even offend anyone

  4. Honestly I've seen better behavior from a child, other streamers I met were very kind and chill and I personally hope the streamers I met are having a good day, this lad however deserves to be banned since he is whining and just acting like an infant and honestly I wanna find this guy in DBD and specifically go after him but that won't do much
    Hopefully the guy gets a braincell or grows up but I doubt that'll happen

  5. I dont know how someone can get this messed up cuz of a game. Like, to the point that someone says phrases that contain the word die, it appears that people are so messed up. Some people dont know how to face some situations and that's not okey, because we're not talking about kids anymore. I wish they could grow up and act like bit adults. Also its a game, bro needs to calm down. Some things are against twitch TOS like what someone said about people dying, they can obviously get cancelled by this. Just saying, not meant to be toxic, but as a mod to two channels i know that some people are dangerous twitch community.
    Rapid keep doing what you doing, create content. We like what you do.

  6. I don’t want to defend the guy in the video as he seems like a total fucking moron, but I don’t agree with everything Rapid says on this.

    6:006:30 didn’t sit with me too well. I disagree that people making “edgy jokes” in private calls can be called out as “racism”. For something to be racist, and this is by definition, it has to be prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism. Cracking some controversial jokes with your friends isn’t any of those things, because no one is actually being targeted. It would be a different situation if they were directing these comments at a group of specific individuals, but they’re not.

    You don’t have to find it funny, and you can say you don’t like it, but that doesn’t mean they have to stop doing it, that’s against their right to have freedom of speech.

    In the same way I don’t think they should be demonised for enjoying a certain kind of humour, I don’t think Rapid should be for saying he doesn’t like it. People have different opinions and that’s okay, but I also think it’s important to show some respect and not make each other out to be bad people just because we think differently. You can disagree with someone, but that doesn’t make them, or you for that matter, a better or worse person. You just think differently.

    Anyway, just my opinion, this is something quite important to me so I felt like giving my thoughts. Again, I don’t think Rapid is a bad person, I just disagree with those points, although I think pretty much everything else he said here is fair, and the streamer being criticised should grow the fuck up.

  7. Rapid you are a very well collected man. I respect that. Me at your age was an emotional wrecking ball. When I started taking accountability and responsibility for my actions I changed like a snake sheds it's skin. Again, I respect you and love you all the more to it for your collectiveness and criticisism

  8. Apparently, their Twitch channel got banned. Ngl, I was keeping tabs so i had the page on the bookmarks and as of 31/01 at noon (british time), the channel appeared to be banned. Honestly, deserved

  9. The most suprising fact that you stated was the he had a wife. His partner is satisfied with an arrogant, biligerent man child who gets off on telling others to commit physical harm to themselves and use racial slurs because he finds them inherently funny? Well, then. That's a first.

  10. I honestly watch Rapidmain's content and this video only proves as to why the dbd community needs more people like Rapidmain he's a amazing outstanding person I started getting less agitated when playing DBD because of this guy, Cheers Rapidmain your a amazing content creator

  11. For someone who’s always promoting kindness and stuff you seem to always be at the centre of some fresh drama, starting to think you actually do it for the views at this point. No other DBD creator is in as much drama day in and day out as you are, you like to exacerbate things and use every rude thing someone says to you online as an opportunity for clicks. “You won’t believe what this streamer said to me🤯😨😨”

  12. Oh wow, I was watching that particular streamer when these guys were cheating live on stream, too. I didn't realize they were the same people. I saw you in the chat, as well. That is so wild and silly that they'd do that, as they even admitted, in front of 2k people live.


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