This Survivor Can't Be Serious… | Dead By Daylight

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Nemesis gameplay where a survivor blames me for waiting out endurance! Hope you all enjoy the video!

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Nemesis Render model made by my mod Joe!


26 thoughts on “This Survivor Can't Be Serious… | Dead By Daylight”

  1. I tunneled this one guy out of a game for pressure and the guy was so mad that he got off of his pc so he could message me on ps5 (he brought an ormond map offering as well) and was saying I was trash (I killed them and I can only tunnel successfully if I tunnel a bad player) and another survivor the same day gets mad because I tunneled them (their teammate instant unhooked in my face)

  2. DBD community in general is just stupid. I got yelled at yesterday for passively getting caught by skull merchants drone. I was like β€œI’m rarely on this game and that’s the first time I’ve seen her.”

  3. Aha, yes get body blocked Nemmy! Now to make my… Wait, why are you chasing me? WHY DID YOU HIT ME OMG YOU SWEATY NOOB WAITING OUT MY ENDURANCE! I LITERALLY DID NOTHING TO DESERVE GETTING TUNNELED

  4. LEGIT had a bill player do this, but they body blocked me completley from moving, so I gave him the attention he wanted and he DC'ED

    I firmly believe a massive majority of survivors that say they get tunneled and camped EVERY game are ones that do this shit πŸ˜‚, every time I see "every game is just tunneling and camping killers" I immidietly know they did this kind of thing.

  5. yeaaaaa, im ngl, mew kinda wild for that, and getting caught by 2 POV's, IN 4K, is even crazier LMFAO
    whats worse is that there are survivors, especially those "hive mind" groups that like to gang up on the bully in end game chat and bully, who do still think like that and use the free endurance, meant to help you get away, offensively and expect NOT to be the target after pulling that shit xD

  6. 3:38 ok admittedly he was being really nice like he was flat out ignoring you and you could've just
    Walked away but instead you got downed because you prevented him from chasing his actual target, the guy that unhooked you. You kinda bought that one

  7. i seriously cannot stand this survivor mentality of "oh this match is too hard/didn't go my way….well time to immediatley give up" like if i wanna play a full game where nobody gives up i have to either play a weak killer or bring a weak build or both. like for instance i used to be a long time nurse main but ive slowly started to phase out of her because its so hard to find any normal matches with her without one guy IMMEDIATELY giving up. honestly tho its on bhvr for somehow leaving the ability to off yourself on hook to remain in the game as it does nothing but hurt the survivors AND killers too because you're denying them both a normal game. if someone wants to leave that badly they can DC and eat a ban and leave a bot that will do better in their place.

  8. I go out of my way to not tunnel because I know how frustrating that is but dude, if you are going to use your free endurance to body-block me from your rescuer, then I am going after you instead. got no one to blame for it but yourself

  9. "the endurance is for you to leave" exactly, that's why it's accompanied by haste, if you're just gonna stand there don't be surprised when the killer waits out the 10 secs to put you back on the hook, you're literally standing in their way lmao (and if you wanna do smth like that at least use off the record or DS, at least it makes sense)


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