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21 thoughts on “THIS SURVIVOR GOT VERY ANGRY! – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. Let me tell you something i am a trapper main and i have no desire of being a streamer… because i have a real job.
    Anyways *you don't know how to play trapper… that map is one of the best maps for traps with darken add ons. you trapped urself and then said *Oh show me the evidence…. u are a moron!! true talent and a ass
    i think you stay with billeh… js

  2. Nah that map is for sure not a good trapper map…. that’s one of the maps where trappers power is really shit u can’t hide your traps forcing you to be super Inventive like the hospital or Hawkins…. trapper is good on maps like yamaoka, corn maps…

  3. I don't think this is a good trapper map. However because of such, high level players go against little to no trappers on this map and are unsure of typical trap placement causing them to run blindly into them.

  4. i tested the new traps, they actually nerfed, most survivors get out in first or second attempt. is insanely garbage now. or maybe survivors have cheat that let u get out of the first trap all the time. i have seen some guys that got trapped likle 3 times in a row in my traps and went out instantly without any help lol.

  5. I consider myself a trapper main and I love this map as trapper. Because I usually run the tar bottle. All you have to do is trap certain vaults of course but also just trap the middle of the hallway. Those traps catch the most survivors. Especially in chase.

  6. How did she know there was a trap at that pallet that's also a choke point and also where the survivor is hooked at? No trapper has ever put one there before! Must be swf.

  7. I hate this map as a survivor, always so damn lost on it.

    Also that shit with the traps is nonsense, when a survivor gets trapped they should either need help from other survivors to get loose or basically be a guaranteed down…otherwise what the hell is the point of the trappers ability when you got other killers that can insta-down survivors with close to no down sides to the use of their abilities…

  8. Saying that trapper is OP on this map because he trap certain spots is kinda moot. He does that on any map. It's what he does.

    What makes a killer sting on a specific map is when their power allows them to disrupt or destroy a specific strength of the map.

    For example Nurse is strong on the meat wearhouse map because her power gives her access to both floors at all times instead of having to locate one of the access points.


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