Tombstone Sent Me Back To Tier 1?!?! + Salt – Dead By Daylight Myers Gameplay

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Don’t witch hunt the guy, he’s just a lil silly
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30 thoughts on “Tombstone Sent Me Back To Tier 1?!?! + Salt – Dead By Daylight Myers Gameplay”

  1. I had a weird interaction with an Obsession DC as well, though as Legion. I hit in Frenzy, they DC'd, and it kept the spider legs on them wiggling until I got DS'd by another Survivor and it switched. Bizarre happenings in the game. Still not as bad as losing two tiers on Myers, but funny/weird.

  2. i once started the mori animation on a surv and she DCed and i was sent into tier 1. i had 3 stacks of PWYF and then i just felt like a myers version of ghostface! i think it would be a good feature to be sent back to tier 1 if there wont be anymore movement speed and lunge penalty
    its even more accurate according to movies myers comes wreaks havoc(tier3) and then goes into silent stalky mode(tier1) and builds up his momentum all over again
    man the potential these killers can have yet devs do nothin

  3. Has to be because of them DCing as the mori animation started. Frankly they were all stupid for playing the way they did. The amount of time it was taking you to reach tier 3 should have been a clear indication you had a tombstone

  4. I think it's similar to the bug that causes the Kill score to trigger twice if tombstone Myers mori a surv then they dc. It happened in one of your old vid, but at that time you have a Judith's tombstone, so you didn't get send back to T1.
    In this case, when you finished the mori animation at 3:04, it shows 2 Kill scores, so probably the same bug.
    The game interpreted the dc mid-mori as 2 moris. And because you have the tombstone piece, each mori sends you back a tier, bringing you to T1 when the bug occurs.


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