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Today we’re speculating on new cosmetics that will be coming into DBD with the upcoming mid-chapter update. If you didn’t know, this mid-chapter rift has been leaked to be focused around SAW, being the Pig and Detective Tapp. There’s plenty to speculate on, so let’s break it down!
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Stream Schedule!:
🔴 Monday – 7:00pm EST to 10:00pm EST
🔴 Tuesday – 7:00pm EST to 10:00pm EST
❌ Wednesday – No Stream (Unless New Chapter)
🔴? Thursday – Cheat Day, Possible Stream 7:00pm EST to 10:00pm EST (Unless New Chapter)
🔴Friday – 7:00pm EST to 10:00pm EST
🔴 Saturday – 7:00pm EST to 10:00pm EST
❌Sunday – No Stream
Music Used:
Dead by Daylight Metal Cover – Thunder Scott –
“Tainted (Instrumental Version)” by Red Revision
#IntoTheFog #dbd #SAW
What do you guys think the cosmetics or theme of the SAW rift could be? Let me know! Thank you all so much for watching, you're all amazing!
First 😎
How did he comment somthing two hours ago even though it go posted a minute ago
You are my new source for leaks 🥰🙏🏾🤘🏾👍🏾
you are truly underrated.
Hi Tooten
We need a swimsuit pig outfit🙏🏽
Spiral wasn't that good so I hope it's a original look or something like that maybe
I think people look and make so many speculations what it could be or couldn't be don't speculate the obvious like Ghostface, Nemesis, Demogorgon, Pyramidhead that these are actually going to be originally made DBD creations and not something from a movie or game etc 🤔
I hate this new saw movie.
I want to see the legendary skin of Eric Matthews and Mark Hoffman))
I don't think they'll do any legendaries for the rift because they usually like to have the skins be broken up to be earned one piece at a time, but if they do I really hope Tapp gets a legendary of Adam, he's my number 1 most wanted survivor. Kerry, Strahm, and Eric I think would also be great though.
For Amanda, I think an unmasked black-robed John Kramer from the first movie and Hoffman in the grey suit and RBT from VI would both be great legendaries. For regular non-legendary skins I most want to see her RBT appearance from Saw I, though I'd also love one of her wearing the Year of the Pig mask from IV or one based on her appearance from II with the blue shirt. They could also do an original one based on Billy the puppet with her in facepaint and a tuxedo to look like him, would be pretty cool I think
I heard Felix getting a rift cosmetics in it. He’s eating…and it’s what he deserves.
What if for pig we got a Hoffman skin
Why is SAW getting the attention when there is a new SCREAM movie on the way? There should be new Ghostface skins and maybe Sidney or one of her friends getting added.
1:55 I would totally buy a John Kramer Legendary!!
I want an Amanda Young outfit without a mask like she was in Saw 2 and 3.
They really ought to commit and make cosmetics for killer powers:
Twin's victor, Pig's RBT (and/or the boxes themselves), Huntress' Hatchets, Trapper's Bear Traps, Billy's chainsaw, etc. There'd be something for almost everyone.
john kramer skin with black and red robe ? looks sick
Ugh unsuscribe your content is good but the demo didnt deserve to get pallet stunned and blinded
Good Video Tooten! Thx for all the Hard Work you allways do for us too give us all the Info there is and more. Keep up the Good Work
I don't want them to change the billy puppet. I love that puppet.
I hope tome 10 is the last 1 because hackers needs to be Dealt with and game need to be clean out of bugs
Honestly, I just want John. Sure Spiral would be cool but I feel like John Kramer would be a better addition.
I really hope it's not a Spiral. This is the worst movie of the franchise and I really want to believe that it will be exactly Amanda's skin. Because there are still some good skins for her. To be honest, I'm willing to pay more and get legendary skins. I'm really looking forward to Adam, since this is my favorite character and of course there is little hope, but I still want to believe 🙁
The Ring is confirmed!!!!!!!! PUMPED
Hope they don’t do the new movie give us Amanda without the mask 🔥🔥
Finally !!! Do you know the release Date ?