Too Creepy For Dead By Daylight

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Who do you think is the creepiest killer in Dead By Daylight? My money is on the twins, at least based on how new players react to this killer. If you want to freak out the team and win easy matches against new players, this is the one to try

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31 thoughts on “Too Creepy For Dead By Daylight”

  1. It's also the unfamiliarity to be fair. I'm around 600-ish hours and I still consider myself fairly new – yet the number of times I get to fight Twins are less than 10. I have no idea what's their meta lol

  2. I dont care what any cry baby whiny tantrum throwers have to say. I love the twins. They are unique. They helped introduce the idea of a killer having help in one way or another. Victor is the man. I love that little guy. I love going against them and playing as them. Everyone always wants to cry because a killer "isnt fun" to go against. There is like 6 killers i HATE going against. I still go against them and do what i gotta do. Its part of the game. Not everything is going to go or be exactly what survivors want all the time. Now i will admit that there have been many issues with the twins. However i still love them.

  3. I think people panic because twins is never played, i play alot but i rarely see twins, they are actually pretty easy to win against if your team works together. The nemesis is the one i NEVER win against and that makes me panic

  4. The twins is incredibly rare, most of the newer players don't understand her power, or how to play against her. It takes time to learn how to because she is a rarely used killer. But just try to confuse the victor lunge then kick victor, and be mindful of if the twins has a victor just sat out in the open, one of the addons for kicking victor is pretty rude XD

  5. I’ve been playing since before they came out, and the hype around them was pretty insane. On release I really liked them as well and found them pretty scary. Right now they’re alright and I often lose more matches against them.

  6. Twins are either really bad or top tier players. Unless you play as the Twins there is absolutely no way to learn how to counter play and that is absolutely terrifying especially in solo que

  7. Had a 40 min twin match last night. Just listen for vector and hide, if shes coming then loop and drop pallets early, tag team the looping but shes not alllllllthaaat


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