Top 3 MOST FUN Survivor Builds in DBD 2021 [Dead by Daylight Guide]

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Top 3 MOST FUN Survivor Builds in DBD 2021 [Dead by Daylight Guide]

Hi! In this DBD perk build video, I go over the top 3 most fun survivor builds in Dead by Daylight, so you can have the most fun in every match while still performing really well!

These builds are focused on having a huge fun factor, so they won’t always be getting the most bloodpoints or MMR, but you’ll still do well in the trial and have a ton of fun doing so 🙂

For each build, I explain why I chose each perk to be in that build, and then break down why the 4 perks work well together in that build.

0:00 – Intro
0:56 – #3 No Mither
3:57 – #2 Infinite Exhaustion
6:55 – #1 Anti-Hook
10:26 – Outro

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37 thoughts on “Top 3 MOST FUN Survivor Builds in DBD 2021 [Dead by Daylight Guide]”

  1. What was your favorite build out of the 3? What other fun builds do you like to run in your matches? Comment below 🙂

    P.S. I know some of you HATE No Mither and probably don't like the looks of #3, but don't knock it till you try it, it's a really fun build!

  2. I would love to see a part two. Here is my build suggestion, I’ve used it before and it’s a lot of fun.

    Iron Will
    Calm Spirit
    Lucky Break
    Overcome/Urban Evasion/Quick & Quiet/Distortion

    This build lets you feel be extremely stealthy, preferably on a character with darker clothes.

    Iron Will obviously lets you make no noise while injured which is a must, and Calm Spirit removes crows from going off and removes you screaming which is very good for staying hidden.

    Lucky Break is the main part of the build, letting you run away after getting hit and possibly losing the killer completely.

    The reason why there’s 4 different perks for the last slot is because this build can be played in different ways:

    If you want to focus on losing the killer with Lucky Break, Overcome is great because the 2 extra seconds of running faster almost guarantees you’ll escape every time.

    Urban Evasion is if you want to be even more stealthy, letting you crouch around faster if the killer is nearby, or avoid Hag traps or pyramid head trails easier.

    Quick & Quick is if you want to be able to fast vault lockers to get out of the killers sight right away, or even fast vaulting windows after you get hit with Lucky Break to get away even easier.

    Distortion is if you never want your aura to be revealed, or if you want to to find out what aura perks the killer has.

    If all 4 options for the last slot is too long for the video, just make the 4th perk Overcome.

  3. i'd say 3 looks decent only, but 1 and 2 are the best ones 9/10 for them i can see potential improvment on no mitler final perk and same for exhaustion, idk all potential on no mitler because i first need to open all perks to compare, but for exhaustion if that recovery perk actually recovers it faster than it really can be one of the best exhaustion perk builds, i'd swap adrenaline with balance landing for 3 reasons, first adrenaline is used only if hatch is close or you do all gens with never really happends unless killer is terrible, second recovery of health stage and speed is both good and gabage, if you are in chase or killer closes hatch you get headstart and lead, but if you are in dying state you will never recover, old adrenaline was amazing you could recover from that and open gate if killer closed hatch or team did gens, and third is i get it it overwrites orther exhaustion perks but its not something i personally use in each game aside from what was stated in video this could give 3 main advantajes, ability to escape sticky stage of map with lithe, the ability to dodge injured attack and the ability to jump down to extend chases, i used lither with balanced landing iron will and walking perk and it was pretty good, when healthy walking faster to recover from exhaustion, lithe or balanced on cases, and if injured iron will, ideally i wanted to add inner strenght but didn't had it.

  4. Oh boy do I have a build for you:
    The little santa helper:
    Plunderers Instinct (to find chests)
    Appraisal (to rummage chests)
    Ace in the hole (to get better items and add ons)
    Bond (this is less obvious, but instead of say pharmacy, this perk is to find survivors and give them your gifts

  5. And the McAllister build
    Blast Mine
    Head on
    Repressed alliance
    Here is how it goes:
    Craft a flashbang
    Fail a few skillchecks (to lure the killer)
    Put a blast mine in the gen
    Hide nearby
    When the killer kicks it and gets stunned, you block the gen with repressed alliance
    Then run towards the nearest locker,
    Head on the killer when he approaches
    At that instant, drop the flash grenade.
    Run like hell
    Get tunneled to death and die on hook.
    Last steps are optional.

  6. For part 2 to i call this one the combat medic

    Were gonna live forever
    Iron will
    Bite the bullet
    Ace in the hole

    This build can help with finding from boxes good stuff and either medkits or other stuff with good add-on, also you can sneak heal teammates and yourself where it can help you in many situations

  7. I have being running quite fun off meta combo aswel:
    Spine chill
    Windows of opportunity
    And smash hit

    First you do a gen. When spine chill lights up to long you run to a pallet with WoO and then you can loop a bit and smash the killer on the head with the pallet and get away with smash hit.

    Usually they wil try to break the pallet because you run away very fast then you get a signal of alert what way they go so you walk slowly in the other direction leaving to marks to follow and return slowly to your gens

  8. Another fun yet unique build is:

    Parental guidance
    Smash hit
    Quick and quiet
    Head on/ inner healing / windows

    So basically you get into chase do your casually looping without dropping pallet, then either your hood enough to stun the killer without sacrificing a health state or your not, in any case you must stun him with the pallet and break line of sight. With smash hit endurance run to a locker. He can’t track you because parental guidance


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