TOP 5 SALTIEST REACTIONS! (August 2021) – Dead By Daylight

Read more Dead by Daylight ➜

If you want to submit YOUR salty reactions, send them to THIS email address! [email protected]

These reactions did not all take place during August of 2021, the date refers to the month the video was released for the sake of keeping the series organized 🙂

This video was made for comedic purposes so watch and have a laugh. If you know who any of these streamers are, please do NOT go out of your way to reach out to them in any negative way. Doing so would make you just as bad, if not worse than they are.

Full video for number 5 –
Full video for number 2 –



26 thoughts on “TOP 5 SALTIEST REACTIONS! (August 2021) – Dead By Daylight”

  1. for the second streamer, there was probably al link on the steam profile that took him to the TTV. Right after matches, PC players like to check profiles to either leave a scathing remark or read the comments left by other dbd players.

  2. Lol I get tunnelled harder and I’m not ttv. It’s not even that bad watching the entity take u away or being moried. Tunnelling is amazing, man. That’s how u guarantee two escapes 😂

  3. im so sad i had a super salty and entitled twitch swf that would have been good for this series but afterwards i realized they don't save their vods 🙁

    literally back to back quotes were "yeah we gotta do those gens quick that what we do", and "imagine a killer who camps and tunnels??" like what

    Edit: I then faced them again and bodied them and got banned from their chat before i could even say hi again ;-;

  4. IMO, it's just me, but I think that better would be to watch replays on full screen and you on some kind of side (I know that people have their camera placement in many spots), but still. The game is quite dark, and you are bright 😀

    14:10 If you are that often tunnel 😀 You should be by now a good runner 😀

  5. Be to be honest TTVs are nasty in a whole I loathe their god complexes and entitled nature! I can’t stand them! I would think to become one but every time I see one act in such a disgusting manner I refuse to become that!

  6. If I’m playing killer and I see either a TTV or a female I will tunnel and camp em because there the 2 types of dbd players that are the saltiest people that play and love the salty messages xD


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