TOP MMR Is A Myth And Here Is Why | Dead by Daylight

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Matchmaking Rating will never be perfect, but there is one huge problem that high level Dead by Daylight has.

I stream 5 times a week at

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Tourney stream from which I got the footage from:


35 thoughts on “TOP MMR Is A Myth And Here Is Why | Dead by Daylight”

  1. Great video Hens, it's unfortunate that sweaty SwF's are so often very toxic and cringe. I'll always stand by the argument what the worst aspect of SBMM is the psychological effect it has on a playerbase. Although, "high mmr" is a bit of a myth those caught in it will manifest "high mmr" gameplay through sweaty conditioning.

  2. I think the size of the pool of players in your region makes a big difference to how many "sweaty games" you experience. Naturally, the larger the pool, the less chance of going against the higher skill players. With the player base on a decline overall, it'll feel like you come across sweaty players more often.

  3. I wish they would do something interesting to combat the disparity with SWF vs solos. Like each friend you have in the lobby takes up a perk slot or something, so having a 4-man SWF means 3 friends = 3 perk slots taken up.

  4. The MMR system makes no sense to me. First the softcaps of 900 and 1800 when there are people with 5 digit hours in the game who can crush your avarage SWF team no sweat just because of experience, I at the lowest end see survivors that have 10 hours but also some that have 150 hours that play actually pretty decent. I'm pretty sure I'm at the very bottom of MMR because I rarely see survivors with 4 perks equiped.
    On the other hand if I would stop farming just BPs in low and go for kills I would be at 1800 in maybe 3-4 days with 3-5 hours per day of playing. So according to the MMR system I would be on the same level as you, otz or lilith with only 200 hours. Yeah sure lol
    Second as far as I can tell, the tuning is way off! Ofc you can set any range of MMR points as long as the system is tuned accordingly. If I get between 10-20 points per game (which is the case depending on time and amount of kills) it doesn't feel like a 900-1800 range but more like a 500-3500 range starting with 1k base.
    With 15 points avarage MMR gain per game I can get from 1k to 1900 in 60 games which, lets be real can be done in 15 hours with 4 games per hour.

    Overall I think the MMR system will also be bad even if they fix it because people don't want to have perfectly balanced matches, people want highs and lows. When I come home from work I want to relax and have fun and DBD, since the MMR implementation, fails to do so. Something has to change and I agree with almost all you said especially with the competetive mode.

    much love and happy to have you back <3

  5. As survivor I try to play for fun and run non meta builds and get vehemently punished by it and get the sweatiest huntresses nurses and blights. I hate running dead hard ds and ub but killers for me love slugging for the 4k and I hate laying on the ground so I can't go into pubs without those perks. As killer I abandon the sweat mindset and try to have fun. Ironically enough it's been more relaxing to play killer because I'm setting the pace of the Match and I aim for hooks instead of kills. Sometimes I 4k. Mostly I 2k or 1k and Ik if I tunneled and proxy camped I would get more results but I don't wanna sweat. I just wanna have fun and relax. I really hate how people are hard affected by this placebo effect of supposed high or top mmr

  6. I think a game style that people havent explored that would appeal to DBD players is a game focused on chase. Maybe a 1v1 where you spawn at various points on different maps, and have a timed chase, then the average of all chases in the end is tallied up and if it is below a number survivor win if it is above a number killer win. Call it Death Tag i dont care but we all know chase is the part we enjoy most not doing gens. A game mode or whole new game that just focuses on chasing could be fun and refreshing imo

  7. Hens I really like your videos but I would really love some more informative videos. The video you made on how to loop shack efficiently really helped me. Maybe an add on tier list or a billy guide or something (Ik ur a godlike billy). Anything informative I would love to absorb some more knowledge from you

  8. My opinion is atm the mmr is killing dbd more and more if you play soloQ you will get always 2 baby survs one mid mmr and than comes you

    I can tell that bc since the Update i see a lot a lot of survs running urban self care distortion that immersed players are fully destroying solo Q experience for people who are just better thats literally why this game will keep dying until bhvr begins to balance this game only for high skilled players bc the babys will not survive either bc survs like me who kiml their selfs if no one is doing gens after 2 min chases will not give them a good experience either

    Soloq lacks of everything all those aura perk would be needed to be base kit including kindred alone for the reason that swfs have all those perks 24/7by just talking

    It makes me mad that all dumb companys are destroying their games to make it for babys easy to reach higher levels

    Literally best example atm no good player i know for 4 and a half years dont like the legion buff everyone even i do but the baby survs who self cares 24/7 bc the. Are just not good enouth are saying he is op now

    On the killer side it winning bc its still alowed to use any ability next to the hook even in the round in backround best example skill is not needed so long its alowed to have abilitys on the hook bc having the ability to insta down or just quicker down a surv than an m1 is just dump in everysingle way i got hundreds of killer who cant win chases wins one in 5 gens and than gets a free kill bc the ability allows it

  9. a ranked mode would only help killers but not solo q survivors, unfortuantly … killers have not only different powers but camping/tunneling and even bloodlust is for free while survivors need to equip an exhaustion perk to even make use of the mechanic and they need ds/bt/ub/deli etc to perform a basic mechanic in the game, if u restrict perks it will hurt the overall game health of that mode cuz there wont be bt or ds. while this would help vs swf's it block solo's from playing in ranked which will most likely be the most fun or rewarding mode.

  10. Them lowering the cap explains my experience to some extent. I guess my killer MMR generally hovers around that ~1700 number and I seem to alternate between players who are lower than ~1700 MMR (usually absolute babies at the game with at best 1 good player) and teams that appear to be above ~1700 (teams with 2 or more chad loppers and the gens just fly)
    My build is always BBQ, Agitation, Mad Grit and a wild card (usually not a slowdown either)

  11. I've seen a huge difference amongst different streamers. Some play against different people all the time and many games those survivors don't have meta perks nor do they have full tier 3 perks. Others play against the same pool of probably 100 players that misdirect, efficiently loop, body block, run meta, full tier 3, and still manage to get generators done very quickly within about 5 minutes all while doing all those things listed. There is definitely a high MMR. Sadly those that don't believe just aren't in that top spot and so they can't believe what they haven't witnessed with their own eyes. I noticed a few mistakes in the movement of those survivors that I wouldn't have made. I believe I'm a little better than them, but from what I have seen, I am definitely don't loop like a robot nor am I perfectly efficient all the time. I would do well in the top, but I would be the weak link compared to my teammates.

  12. I wonder if making DbD a 5v1 assymetric game would be at all an improvement (probably with an extra gen and/or slower speeds times to compensate for the killer). Tunneling would theoretically be less viable, but it still wouldn't be a great solution and it would make impossible situations (where there's 2 survivors and 3 gens left to complete) even more impossible for survivors. It's tricky

  13. I’m pretty tired of both killers and survivors complaining about “sweaty” matches. You play to win or you play to meme. If you play for memes you should not expect to win. What everyone wants is to play whatever funny nonsense build they can come up with but also still win. That’s not realistic and I’m tired of the endless useless debate about it. Either have fun and lose, or sweat and win. Stop acting like there are any other options.

  14. Yeah, this game isn't made to be competitive, no matter what people think and that's fine. Like, not every game needs to have a high level competitive scene. Every person I met that says the game is bad or not worth playing, got too much into the sweaty mindset and basically ruined it for themselves. Like its a game, you don't need total domination to have fun and you SHOULD be enjoy the moment to moment gameplay, not just winning.

  15. It’s easier to get to higher MMR as killer – so the low skill is a bigger issue right now for soloQ survivors being pooled with a bunch of babies against against a higher MMR killer.

  16. 12:55 Playing devil's advocate here, you did say "nice efficiency" which is more often than not, seen as a passive-aggressive statement. Also, we all know if you don't run a meta build… you shouldn't expect 3-4k and instead, expect to be out perked, which is exactly what happend. Don't try playing a game that you WISH would exist, but in reality, doesn't, this way you will always end up dissapointed.

  17. People need to understand something, there are 2 ways to play "Sweaty"/"Chill" which are based on your killer, perks, addons, item, SWF coms. It SUCKS, but that's what DbD is, and folks need to come to terms with that. If you play chill DON'T expect to win, PERIOD. Stop lying to yourself with words such as "unfair" "unbalanced", which imply a yearning for a game that will NEVER exist and when you realize that you have 2 choices, accept the dumb game the way it is and will ever be(maybe with small minor changes) or quit. Truth fucking sucks, but it's worse to live in your own lie that it's meant to comfort you, while at the same time deepening the delusion.

  18. You use bamboozle which is anything but meta and they still complain? Like alright mate would you rather go against Nurse on midwich with lethal pursuer, starstruck, ruin and undying? Shame how survivors will find anything to sook about when things go south for them. It's like, if you don't play into their plan then you're just bad or boring. Ever heard of counterplay? That's what it was, they had everything they needed to win the game 10 times over and they didn't. Shame

  19. "nice hitbox. Nice camp. Bamboozle op. You only got a 2k cuz you did that :/"

    Also the same people:
    • literally all of them had unbreakable ds and dead hard
    • used only one circle of healing and one deliverance for most optimal perk usage
    • brought a map offering
    • 2 medkits one of which was a super speedy medkit

    So can we talk about the fact they only got two escapes because they brought in the most meta sweaty optimal loadout while playing on comms as a 4 man? Cuz if they didn't have those perks or the map offering they would have lost. Meg wouldn't have healed in 6s flat and dead hard wouldn't have saved them at certain tiles, etc etc.


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