Top Tier Nemesis vs. Top Tier Pyramid Head | Dead by Daylight

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This video features two amazing Killers playing against very good Survivors to show us the strengths and weaknesses of Nemesis and Pyramid Head.

Players involved:
Nemesis Player –
Executioner Player-
Survivor #1 –
Survivor #2 –
Survivor #3 –
Survivor #4 –
(Santa’s and Happy’s names are wrongly swapped on screen!)


25 thoughts on “Top Tier Nemesis vs. Top Tier Pyramid Head | Dead by Daylight”

  1. Irrelevant, but I was playing Wraith a while ago and remembered how you said you never see Meme Add-ons, but I do a build often which is Hound and Beast add-ons, using Monitor and Abuse, Unnerving Presence, Overwhelming Presence, and Dark Devotion. It is cheap on add-ons, and confuses the heck out of players used to basic Wraith play. Was wondering if you could do a vid on it whenever you get bored

  2. The nemesis got impatient at the end I think missing those tentacles costed him the 3k he did great tho.
    Prove thyself needs a nerf Jesus man gens go so fast with it especially with great skill checks my god.

  3. I miss DBD but I'll only play again when they fix Nemesis.
    No Killer should get more use out of NOT using their power. Like, why would I infect someone, and give them the speed boost without wounding them, if I can just punch them, wound them, and give them the same speed boost?
    BHVR dropped the ball with Nemi. It was the final straw to me uninstalling.

    Honestly, it's a freaking VIRUS; why is there no Infection Timer like Freddy's Sleep Timer? Just have it slowly go up over time. So Nemesis can wound people with his power without giving them a free speed boost that prolongs chases in a game where one chase going a little too long can cost the match.

  4. Player my first game as Nemesis last night and got Rancid Abattoir against 4 red ranks who were abusing a glitch on the outside of the main building (the section that sticks out where the stairs down to the basement is). Right on the outside of that part there's a section where you can't pick the survivors up. Every time I chased one of them they'd beeline straight to that area and teabag because they knew I couldn't do anything about it. Got 1 kill and of course they were all spamming GGEZ in the postgame chat 😂

    Very sad that some people take pleasure in cheesy crap like that

  5. Yeah, there's a reason why Nemesis is known as "Worse Pyramid head". PH definitely outclasses him. I think they should add something more to his tier ups. Maybe with each tier he could gain an additional zombie to total 4 zombies, so that if one of them gets stuck, it won't be HALF your Zombies being useless


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