"Toxic Bully Squad" = Fun Killer Games | Dead by Daylight

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A flashlight squad, or as most folks like to call them “bully squads,” are a team where their main goal is to not do gens and try to pull off as many good flashlight plays as possible against the killer. I made this video to show you all that bully squads are so much fun to go against as a killer.

Best things about going against a bully squad is that there’s no need to stress about genrushing since none of these survivors will choose to touch a gen, they don’t play stealthy or act like random self-care user on the edge of the map, and these survivors want to play for chases. I love going against flashlight squads because it provides every survivor the chance to pull off some decent chases against me, giving me a lot of room to give credit to each player for outsmarting me in the game.

Its pretty hard for me to find myself going against a flashlight squad, but I got lucky during my last stream with this one. Lot of good plays from both sides, you definitely don’t want to miss this game!

All of my content comes from my Twitch streams. Watch me live here – https://twitch.tv/unclestanbana

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13 thoughts on “"Toxic Bully Squad" = Fun Killer Games | Dead by Daylight”

  1. I think too many people take the game too seriously and take it personally. With nobody doing gens and everybody using flashlights (another fun mechanic that's being ruined by the developers, and people who take the game too seriously and personally), it basically creates a sandbox environment where the survivors and killer can try things out that they normally wouldn't in a game because of time constraints. Its especially fun to play against as Huntress.

  2. YESSS I AGREE. I love love love love the "bully squads" because of several reasons, such as being matches that are usually in your favor because they will throw for crazy plays, but even if you lose it's not an issue because there is a LOT of interaction. Just so much fun to play against these teams

  3. Honestly, a squad running 4 flashlights, and not doing gens, throwing for fun risky plays is really fun and interresting to play against. A shame that those matches often have somebody who can't appreciate all the juice.


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