Toxic Survivor Sandbags Me All Game.. | Dead by daylight

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Toxic Survivor Sandbags Me All Game.. | Dead by daylight

Hellow everyone, in todays video, i wanted to show something that happens quite often but decided to actually make a video around, i will just let you watch and you will see what i’m talking about, i chose to hide the names to prevent any type of harrassement towards the killer or survivor, hope you enjoyed the video, well it’s not really enjoyable ..

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Dead by daylight, an asymmetrical horror game, I play at rank 1 with builds such as the zero terror radius T3 Myers or the immersed ghost face build, to trick survivors at rank 1, I love to run killers for 5 gens at rank 1 and do challenges at rank 1, like no pallets at rank 1. Dead by daylight has some toxic survivors and toxic killers who run meta builds to gain an advantage, I like to play with fun builds and less op addons, op perks or op builds. Like the all seeing eyes build, efficient survivor/killer build, the instant heal tank build and the most underrated perks in the game, I also use the infinite sprint burst and head on, builds like the vault speed build to avoid dedicated servers or bad hitboxes on windows and pallets. I use inspiration for some of my videos from other players like the jrm with his .exe videos and otzdarva with his win streaks, no0b3 with his once upon a toxic series and ayrun with the vault speed build. I usually play with nea karlsson or claudette morel. I mainly play Nurse when I play killer at rank 1 but I like to play all the killers, like the Nemesis from Resident Evil or Freddy Kreuger from Nightmare on Elm Street. Rank reset is always scary, rank 20 vs rank 1 with brand new parts and flashlights. I always upload the new chapter, new survivor and new killer when it comes out with the new update. I love using techs like the dumb tech, ayrun tech, cj tech, pretending to be a baby survivor/killer and the locker tech, enjoy the video!

#deadbydaylight #deadbydaylightsurvivor #deadbydaylightguide #deadbydaylighttutorial


31 thoughts on “Toxic Survivor Sandbags Me All Game.. | Dead by daylight”

  1. Besides the toxic survivour i still dont understand the zoning mechanic of dbd. 0:27 is the perfect example, the deathslinger keeps pulling up his weapon and forces you to try and dodge therefore he gets the free m1. Its the same thing with demogorgon, huntress and pyramid head. I cant believe such a simple thing hasnt been fixed yet.

  2. They need to fix this it’s absolutely ridiculous how much power killers have anyways. Not to mention they’ve gotten cocky and are getting away with this play style and behavior. I feel the developers arnt strict enough with punishing

  3. I had a game with a sandbagging survivor on Badham vs Plague. The killer was either farming, new or pretending and could've had NOED as none were infected/injured until gen 1. So I used Detective's to go hunt down totems and this Dave just blocks me in this bush bin semi circle. At first I thought he was meming/joking so I teabagged along with him, and he was being pretty weird, doing the "come here" emote to slap Steve's ass while trapping me in that stupid corner of the map, even with triple stillness crows.

    Endgame comes. Laurie on hook, Nea on exit switch, I'm still trapped there. I point to Dave as a "OK this isn't funny any more let me out!", he just teabags and refuses until Plague finds us during EGC. I point to the Dave to get her to realise something was up, she went for ME instead with her corrupt purge and left me slugged. He and Nea ran towards Laurie. Both Nea and Laurie left. Sadly I didn't have Unbreakable or Tenacity so I just full recovered and crawled closer to the gate. Eventually the cunt picked me up at a pallet and just left me, no bodyblocks to help, nothing. The Plague was oblivious then let me go. I was SO furious with her siding with him I teabagged and pointed at her at the exit gate line.

    Endgame chat and I was FURIOUS with the both of them. "Wow Dave you're a cunt. And Plague too. He clearly griefed me. At first it was funny but he took the joke too far and you went for me not HIM. Wtf" She tries to defend her bs with "lol im new dude chill" and I wasn't having it. "I was trapped in a bush you couldn't see? I was pointing to the guy griefing. Instead you went for me it felt like you were supporting the scumbag" "idk man gg". "Fuck you. Shithaviour won't do anything about it. Just fucking annoying is all. Win/lose is whatever just let the guy play the game pls"

    Some games later, I was Adam on Eyrie of Crows vs Myers. Meg SANDBAGS me at a pallet loop, I point forward while yelling "MOVE!!!!!" at my monitor I was so angry (especially as 2 survivors nearby = free stalk). She moved, but stood by this dead end tile not even moving from Myers. I point forward to get the dumb Meg to move, he goes for her then switches to me. I was so done with teammates griefing I just afk'd, even when the Meg tried to make it up to me by taking 2 protection hits while being carried to hook (she went down for me). I was so mad I self unhooked to 2nd stage. The Meg got hooked and I was so mad I refused to rescue or do anything. Yun Jin rescued me but I was too pissed off to play on any more. The 2nd Meg rescued bodyblocking Meg on 2nd hook but then bodyblocking Meg went down and DC'd. Myers puts me out of my misery while I was checking the video replay to check the DCing Meg was the same Meg who griefed me and it was. It felt GOOD giving her the up yours, you know?

    Moral of the story? Don't fuck with a teammate and don't ENABLE someone else's toxicity. If you're new I get it, but if you're too stupid to know what griefing looks like, don't expect me or anyone else to be nice to you when you side with a blatant bully. Furthermore you'll cause more damage as I'll want to do it to others so they KNOW HOW I FUCKING FELT WHEN PEOPLE DID IT TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I'm sure I ain't the only one who likes to "pass it on" when people are dickheads to me you know.

    And I fucking DESPISE it when people give no fucks if people are toxic to me, but if I'm toxic to someone I'm the bad guy. Fuck off! It's so stupid, society needs to remove its head from its arse and maybe I'll be respectful to people again. Until then I guess I gotta be toxic to everyone. :/ Just feels like survivors + killers only care about themselves even when I run team oriented perks like Kindred so I might as well be a cunt from here on out.

  4. The best point you said is don't keeping them in ourselves, it's only a game but at least we can report them. Game is a place for fun but these weirdos ruin the fun of game.

  5. This is my first time commenting on one of your videos but I got into DbD shortly before Trickster and Yun-Jin were released and I came across your videos since I’m on console. Your videos have been extremely helpful and they’ve helped me last in chase but this sort of gameplay is disheartening. I haven’t experienced teaming much in DbD but when I did, it just sucked. One came from a streamer WHILE was she streaming. Funny enough, it was a Dwight too helping her. I’ve played a lot of Friday the 13th so I’m used to teammates working with the killer which I assume it’s because they’re just bored. They have tons of hours so now they’re bored and ruining other peoples’ experience is enjoying to them. It might be because you’re a content creator like you said but that’s even lamer reason to troll. Glad that this hasn’t stopped you from uploading great content. Keep up the good work.

  6. When i play killer. If i ever see a surviver try to fuck over their teammates. Lead me mid chase to them on a gen, point to them in a locker, body block them in a corner. Ill tunnel that person untill they either die or DC. Then let the affected surviver go. Fuck these people

  7. the respect i have for you not showing his name. i would’ve shamed them, sure it’s just a game but they shouldn’t do shit like that if they can’t take the slack for it lmao. funniest thing is id bet money you’re better than the dwight and spirit combined 😭

  8. this happens to me it’s funny but yet so annoying especially when I’m in a really good chase then all of a sudden someone blocks a door or window on purpose 😂

    In your case since you play console I’m pretty sure that they messaged each other and planned it Via DMs

  9. Aww I know this is a serious-ish video but your accent is adorbs! Especially when you said the word “negative”
    I will never forget when my teammate told the killer exactly where I was and got me killed so they can get hatch. It was on haddonfield. I still get PTSD on that map lmaoo. It’s funny but also super annoying for me. You handled it so well. I would’ve definitely DC.😭😭


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