"Toxic" Survivor Thinks I Camped Every Hook | Dead By Daylight

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Having TTV in your name invites all types of individuals to come yell at you in your stream after having a bad game.

When reviewing the footage, most players either leave the stream, or admit their mistakes.

Not today…


Stream Schedule:
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Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: 10am – 4pm cst


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About Me!

My name is Dyllon! I have played Dead By Daylight for about 1.5 years now strictly on my Twitch page. After being asked time and time again about how to get into the game, I decided to try my hand at making guides to help players.

Dbd, dead by daylight tips, dbd tips, dead by daylight mobile, dead by daylight new killer,


19 thoughts on “"Toxic" Survivor Thinks I Camped Every Hook | Dead By Daylight”

  1. You were extremely levelheaded through the angry survivor throwing such vitriol at you. I must commend you for that. The survivor was clearly trying to goad you into getting angry or defensive with how they were wording things, possibly to turn around and say "see, you're getting defensive, you know you were wrong", but you didn't take the, given obvious, bait. Good job.

  2. After you hook someone you have to stand in the basement for 5 minutes-Survivor rule #53. Edit: 2 gens done in under 2 minutes. Why play so greedy as a survivor and hand out trade hits? The game is practically done. Selfish play.

  3. yoo I made it into a DyllonKG video, if only it wasn't in chat form ;-; Also Dyllon great vid, gotta put some people in there place and your the one who can do that

  4. Honestly the fact you keep reminding us to unklench our jaws just really helps
    I do it without thinking and later get a headache, so the reminder makes me relax haha

    Anyway good video as always! Looking forward to seeing a survivor main in all their glory

  5. Its too bad that survivor didn't take the objective criticism and admit that they basically handed themselves to you. I always try to look at a loss from "what did I do to lose this" instead of blaming another player.

  6. "Enjoy the 3k". Said as if u lost or something lol. It could've easily been a 4k in the first 3 minutes of the match but u decided to be nice. As a survivor if u get the hatch then that's no reason to feel like u did anything special, u were just lucky that the killer didn't slug for the 4k. I don't get why people don't play both sides. I mean at least play a match as killer every now and then, it can help u become a better survivor

  7. I absolutely LOVE this man's chill! He went back through and had a logical discussion with someone who tried to tear his victory down at every turn. Most people can't do that. Kudos to you sir, you are amazing. 😁


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